“Become a part of a global movement
to create safe and affordable housing.
Together, we can make a lasting impact.”

Our Program

Building lives through the participation and cooperation of all parties

We believe that every program we implement is a tangible step towards improving and enhancing the quality of life and well-being of communities throughout Indonesia.
Adequate House Program

An effort to improve access to and availability of decent homes for low-income families through the construction or renovation of houses that meet standards of comfort, safety, and durability.

Livelihood Program

It provides equitable access to clean water and proper sanitation, and ensures a clean environment and quality of life for improved health of low-income communities.

Disaster Response Program

An effort to build more resilient and disaster-resistant communities by ensuring the availability of safe and sustainable housing.

Education Facilities Improvement Program

An effort to enhance the teaching and learning environment by ensuring that students have access to safe and comfortable learning spaces through the improvement of quality educational facilities.

WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) Program

An effort to provide equal access to clean water and proper sanitation, as well as to ensure the availability of a clean environment and quality living conditions to improve the health of low-income communities.


Decent Homes Constructed


Water & Sanitation Access


Families Served

Our Philosophy

A world where everyone has a decent place to live



A world where everyone has a decent place to live

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.


Melampaui Batas: Kolaborasi POSCO dan Habitat for Humanity Bangun Masa Depan Lebih Baik 

Kolaborasi berkelanjutan Habitat for Humanity dan POSCO mendukung langsung 214 anggota keluarga berpenghasilan rendah melalui pembangunan dan renovasi rumah, serta penguatan 333 individu melalui...

Menyemai Asa Kedua Bersama IES Jakarta Melalui Rumah Layak Huni 

Tangerang, 30 November 2024 – IES Jakarta kembali menunjukkan komitmennya yang kuat dalam mendukung visi Habitat for Humanity Indonesia; memastikan setiap keluarga memiliki tempat tinggal yang...
Thumbnail – Golf

Hole-in-One: Terwujudnya Rumah Layak Huni untuk Tiga Keluarga Indonesia 

Jakarta, 2 November 2024 – Habitat for Humanity Indonesia dengan sukacita mengumumkan bahwa dua pukulan Hole-in-One yang luar biasa di BNI Indonesian Masters 2024 telah menghasilkan donasi tiga rumah...