Habitat for Humanity meets disaster response needs

HFH Indonesia is actively involved in efforts to deal with disasters that occur in Indonesia. The response is short-term and long-term. The programs carried out include:

Disaster Mitigation Phase

Emergency response phase or emergency

Post Disaster Phase

A logical consequence of climate change is the frequent occurrence of natural disasters. Indonesia is a country that is often affected by natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, etc. For this reason, HFH Indonesia sees the importance of efforts to mitigate disasters. Disaster mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk, both through physical development as well as awareness and capacity building to face the threat of disaster (Article 1 paragraph 6 of PP No. 21/2008 concerning the Implementation of Disaster Management). For this reason, HFH Indonesia developed a Public Awareness Raising Program for Safe Shelter through the introduction of the PASSA Disaster Mitigation guide or Participatory Approach for Safe Shelter Awareness. In this case HFH Indonesia has conducted PASSA training in the city of Surabaya after the flood disaster and in the city of Yogyakarta after the Jogja Earthquake.

Included in the short-term response, where assistance is distributed for short-term needs, assistance is tailored to the needs of disaster victims such as food and / or NFI (non-food items / assistance that are not food), family packages (in the form of medicines, towels, toiletries and equipment for bathing babies), home and environmental hygiene packages (in the form of a hoe, bucket, water hose, gloves) and for the shared environment can be a water pump / water compressor, providing access to safe and proper temporary housing, proper sanitation and clean water.

Recovery is a phase where all basic needs have already been met. The process consists of rehabilitation: immediate short-term repairs needed & reconstruction: permanent long-term repairs, in the form of building access and permanent housing facilities, clean water facilities and / or clean water facilities and proper individual and public toilets.

Disaster response activities include

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Family who received help