What is Housing Forum?
There is still a lot of need for housing in Indonesia, especially for low-income people. According to PUPR (2022), there is a big challenge for the Indonesian government to solve the problem of household backlogs that have reached 12.71 million and will continue to grow every year.
Housing Forum is a biennial seminar organized by Habitat for Humanity, where various stakeholders in the housing sector in Indonesia discuss to find inclusive and effective solutions to national and regional housing issues. There have been more than 9,200 participants presenting diverse views on housing topics since the inaugural Housing Forum conference in the Asia Pacific region in 2007 to the 8th in 2021.

Tema Housing Forum 2023
Indonesia Housing Forum 2023 will be held as part of the commemoration of National Housing Day 2023 with the theme Building Inclusive, Sustainable and Affordable Housing for All.

Indonesia Housing Forum 2023 will be held hybridly on August 30, 2023 at FKUI Hall, Jl. Salemba Raya, Central Jakarta and Zoom Meeting at 08.00 – 16.30 WIB.
Immediately register yourself to become a Housing Forum 2023 seminar participant by clicking the button below
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