Let’s Fight Stunting with Habitat!
Stunting is a chronic malnutrition that may occur when the baby was in the womb. Stunted children mostly have a low body immune system, they will easily infected by any deseases. Nowadays, the world is facing Corona Virus Pandemi, including in Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. As per 11 Mei 2020 Kulon Progo District has 8 Positif Corona Virus chases. These will be another problems for Kulon Progo, refers to it sunting conditions. There are 3.157 cases in Kulon Progo in 2019 according to media, the most stunted children in Indonesia
Providing healthcare center can be one of the best solutions to fight stunting in Kulon Progo. Unfortunately, one of village in Kulon Progo, Tuksono Village has no decent healthcare center even though this village has the most stunting cases in Kulon Progo.
Together with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Students of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University run Fundraise Social Campaign to help providing a healthcare center as one of the best solution to fight stunting. These campaign is run and manage by 4 Student Group Creative Agency of Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta. We invite you, young generation, to participate in stunting prevention effort by donating for healthcare center construction in Tuksono.
Participate when #stayathome only by donating
Our target in this fundraising campaign is Rp150,000,000, and the entire target will be donated for healthcare center construction in Tuksono, Kulon Progo. Donation will be held in April 7, 2020 until Mei 24, 2020.
The donation can be done by:
- Go to www.habitatindonesia.org
- Press the “Membangun Sanitasi” donation button
- Enter the nominal of donation, then add the unique payment code at the end of the nominal
- Choose your preferred payment method
- You can also donate by scanning the QR Code, don’t forget with the unique code.
Help us to fight stunting! Your participation will save the children’s future!
Show us your concern to fight stunting by donating with us!