Owning a Decent House

Owning a decent house is desired by every family. An ideal residence should fulfill several housing standards, such as having a sufficient living area and complying with the healthy homes’ standards as prescribed below:  

  • Good ventilation 
  • Clean bathroom and toilet 
  • A sufficient amount of rooms for the family members and provide the occupants a comfortable space to move around, especially if someone has a disability. 

 If there are families with toddlers or school-aged children, the house should have a yard or be located close to an open space such as a playground or field and should possess a safe distance from the main road. Another essential is the separation of parents and children’s rooms, as well as between sons’ and daughters’. The condition helps to increase children’s independence. Furthermore, the separation of boys’ and girls’ rooms shall be conducted when the children enter their teenage years since they will require different necessities. 

The National Socioeconomic Survey (A survey conducted by Indonesia’s Social Security Agency of Health) reports that 14 million family units in Indonesia still occupied non-decent houses. To help low-income families obtain decent accommodation, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia has carried out various efforts, including providing housing assistance, rehabilitation, and renovation, in which Habitat Indonesia collaborates with corporate donations (CSR) and individuals for the financing of the programs.  

Through the Housing Assistance Program, families with decent houses can live healthy lives and become more productive. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, comfortable home is a necessity for each family member since many of their activities are being held at home; they have to work, play, and study from home. Thus, a comfortable and healthy house is essential.  

Let’s collaborate with Habitat Indonesia to provide decent houses for the low-income families