Charity Golf
As has been done in previous years, this year we are once again holding the Habitat Charity Golf Tournament (HCGT), which will be held on the 20th of June 2024 in Damai Indah Golf, Pantai Indah Kapuk. Shot-gun will start at 12:30 PM and the event is expected to end after dinner.
The HCGT that was held last year has benefited 22 underserved families who received adequate housing in some of Habitat Indonesia’s housing clusters.
We are inviting you to take part in supporting this event and join us in our mission to provide more decent houses for families in need.
Indonesia Housing Forum 2023 akan diselenggarakan secara hybrid pada 30 Agustus 2023 di Aula FKUI, Jl. Salemba Raya, Jakarta Pusat dan Zoom Meeting pada pukul 08.00 – 16.30 WIB
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#SahabatHabitat Bersama, Mari Kita Menjadi Agen Perubahan Bangsa!
#SahabatHabitat Bersama, Mari Kita Menjadi Agen Perubahan Bangsa!