Cupyadi and his family in front of their new, safe, and comfortable home in Margamulya Village, Tangerang Regency.
EN-ID Blog

Happiness for Cupyadi: When a Decent Home Brings Achievement for His Son 

Living in Margamulya Village, Tangerang Regency, Cupyadi (38) earns a living by selling green mussels as a street vendor. Each day, he only manages to bring home about 30,000 rupiah, which is barely enough to cover his family’s daily needs.

His wife, Kartini (34), works as a farm laborer, trying to supplement their income to cover their children’s school expenses.

However, their struggles are not only due to financial hardship. The house they lived in was dilapidated and on the verge of collapsing. The rotting bamboo frame, the bamboo walls with holes, and the leaking roof during rain testified to their ongoing struggle.

“My house was no longer livable; my two children had difficulty studying at home,” Cupyadi said sadly.

This situation changed when Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, donors, and volunteers, came to help rebuild a decent home for Cupyadi’s family.

Now, Cupyadi and his family are experiencing a remarkable change. With a new, safe, and comfortable home, Cupyadi works harder, waking up every day at five in the morning.

Cupyadi and his family in front of their new, safe, and comfortable home in Margamulya Village, Tangerang Regency.

His earnings have increased to 150,000 rupiah per day. Cupyadi can now save money for his children’s education without worrying about home repair costs. 

“Alhamdulillah, this decent home makes me happy. My eldest child has achieved top honors after being able to study safely and comfortably in his new room,” Cupyadi expressed with heartfelt gratitude. 

Volunteers from IES Jakarta painting homes during the Building Hearts event in Margamulya Village, Tangerang.
EN-ID Blog

IES Jakarta Volunteers: Building New Hope for Low-Income Families

In collaboration with IES Jakarta, Habitat for Humanity once again held a volunteering event titled “Building Hearts” for the fourth time on June 22 in Margamulya Village, Mauk Subdistrict, Tangerang Regency.

Over 25 volunteers painted four new decent homes for low-income families as part of the effort to complete the construction of 20 decent homes that began in November 2023.

This activity not only reflects IES Jakarta’s strong commitment to improving the quality of life for communities but also serves as an inspiration to all involved.

The spirit of mutual cooperation demonstrated by the volunteers is hoped to have a broader impact, not only by providing decent housing but also by fostering unity in the pursuit of sustainable social efforts.

Through “Building Hearts,” it is hoped that partner families will experience warmth and renewed hope and be inspired to contribute to creating positive change for the larger community.

PRUVolunteers painting facilities at the PRUVolunteers & MSMEs Bazaar 2024 in Gunung Putri, Bogor.
EN-ID Blog

PRUVolunteers & MSMEs Bazaar: Collaboration Between Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and Prudential 

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, in collaboration with PT Prudential Life Assurance, held the PRUVolunteers & MSMEs Bazaar in Gunung Putri Village, Gunung Putri Subdistrict, Bogor Regency on Saturday, June 29.

The event featured various activities, including coloring competitions for early childhood education (PAUD & TK), volunteering by PRUVolunteers who painted facilities at PAUD schools, Posyandu, waste banks, and an MSMEs bazaar. Additionally, a healthy exercise session attended by 200 participants added to the festivities.

The event also served as a platform for 50 MSME entrepreneurs to directly apply the knowledge gained from the entrepreneurship and vocational training they received through the Desa Maju Prudential (DMP) program in Bogor.

One of the bazaar participants, Mrs. Nani, shared her experience: “This is my first time participating in a bazaar. Alhamdulillah, the knowledge I gained during the training about finance and marketing was put into practice here.” 

PRUVolunteers painting facilities at the PRUVolunteers & MSMEs Bazaar 2024 in Gunung Putri, Bogor.

The DMP Bogor program in Gunung Putri includes not only entrepreneurship training for MSME entrepreneurs but also the renovation of 10 MSME units, the renovation of 10 decent houses, the construction of 15 new decent homes, and the provision of Posyandu equipment and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) training, among other initiatives.

Mrs. Indrijati Rahayoe, Chief Human Resources & Community Investment Officer of Prudential Syariah, stated, “In line with Prudential’s objectives in this village, we aim to implement our initiative, Community Investment.” She added, “We believe that by investing in the community, we are helping to improve their economic living standards and supporting them to achieve a better and more prosperous life.”

The DMP Bogor program has significantly contributed to improving village residents’ well-being and quality of life. We hope this initiative continues and sets an example for similar efforts in the future, bringing sustainable positive changes to the community.

Mr. Susanto at the BISRA 2024 Awards Ceremony, speaking about sustainability in CSR initiatives.
EN-ID Blog

The National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Leads Judging of Sustainable CSR Programs at BISRA 2024 

This year, the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Mr. Susanto, served as the head of the judging panel at the Bisnis Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Award (BISRA) 2024, themed “Paving The Way to Sustainable Business: Innovation in CSR.” 

BISRA 2024, held on Thursday, June 27, 2024, recognized companies strongly committed to implementing CSR programs, reflecting corporate responsibility towards improving community resources and the environment. 

This 4th edition of BISRA honored 46 winning companies, divided into three award categories: platinum, gold, and silver. 

In his speech, Susanto emphasized that sustainability is a crucial factor in assessing these CSR awards. Sustainable CSR programs not only focus on short-term solutions but also ensure that the community feels their benefits over the long term.

Additionally, it is hoped that the winning companies will serve as role models for others in effectively managing CSR initiatives that are impactful and sustainable, ultimately supporting the accelerated achievement of global SDGs by 2030.

Participants at the Habitat Charity Golf Tournament 2024 swinging golf clubs at Damai Indah Golf PIK.
EN-ID Blog

Habitat Charity Golf Tournament (HCGT) 2024

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia has once again organized the Habitat Charity Golf Tournament (HCGT) in 2024. HCGT consistently upholds sustainability values as a fundamental principle to promote equitable Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. Held at Damai Indah Golf PIK, North Jakarta, on June 20, 2024, this year’s event themed “Swing for Homes” serves as a platform for expanding networks and establishing relationships with golfers, professionals, and corporations who share the same mission of realizing equitable housing for low-income families.

Owning a decent home still feels like a dream for millions of families in Indonesia. According to data from BPS in 2023, 36.85% of households in Indonesia live in inadequate housing. This situation is exacerbated by the continuously growing population and households, while the cost of land and home construction remains very high.

Since its inception in 2010, the Habitat Charity Golf Tournament has involved approximately 920 golfers, both professional and amateur, competing to raise funds to build 265 decent homes across various regions in Indonesia.

At the 2024 Habitat Charity Golf Tournament, Habitat Indonesia is supported by 109 golfers from various levels, both amateur and professional, competing while donating through several tournament packages. In this tournament, players also have the opportunity to play alongside Indonesian champions Danny Masrin and Elki Kow throughout the 18 holes.

Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, stated, “The Habitat Charity Golf Tournament is one of the important annual events supporting Habitat’s mission, which is to create a world where everyone has the right to a decent home. We hope that through this fun and healthy sport, we can raise awareness among all parties about the needs of low-income communities that still require support in improving their quality of life through decent housing.”

The 2024 Habitat Charity Golf Tournament successfully raised substantial donations for the construction of 20 new homes for families in need. “The donations collected from this tournament will be used to build decent homes in three Habitat Indonesia clusters, namely Mauk-Tangerang, Babakan Madang-Bogor, and Kulon Progo-Yogyakarta. Habitat Indonesia has built thousands of homes for low-income communities there,” Susanto revealed.

Robert Deddy Purwanto emerged as the main winner in the Best Gross Overall category, while the main Best Net Overall category was won by William Kusuma. It is hoped that the Habitat Charity Golf Tournament can continue to be held annually to help provide decent housing for families in need in Indonesia.

Junaedi standing in front of his new house with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.
EN-ID Blog

A Dream Realized: Junaedi Finds Comfort & Community in His Habitat Home 

That evening, Junaedi returned home on his motorcycle to his house in the Mauk District, Tangerang Regency, after a day’s work. His homecoming was very different from twelve years ago, when he and his wife, Melianti, lived in a cramped space with her parents. They realized that the house was not an ideal place to start their new family life. 

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia came to provide Junaedi and Melianti with a decent home. “It felt like a gift from God,” Junaedi said upon entering their newly completed two-bedroom house. This home wasn’t just a structure; it was the foundation of their community roots. Their children, now aged 12 and 9, grew up in a safe environment. 

Junaedi’s life changed after obtaining a decent home. He realized how important it is for others to have adequate housing. Therefore, since 2013, he has worked as a construction assistant at Habitat for Humanity Indonesia. “I hope Habitat continues to help families achieve their dream of having a safe haven,” said Junaedi. 

Students participating in the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Campus Chapter program.
EN-ID Blog

Campus Chapter Program: Empowering Youth for Better Homes

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is committed to ensuring that every family in Indonesia has a decent place to live. One concrete step taken is through the Campus Chapter program, which combines advocacy, fundraising, and the construction of decent housing in collaboration with schools and educational institutions.

On May 27-28, 2024, Habitat Indonesia conducted the Campus Chapter program at several schools in Jakarta. This activity was designed to provide significant benefits for young advocates in addressing the challenge of inadequate housing in Indonesia. Youth are key agents of change, and through collaboration, this mission can be strengthened to support the creation of decent housing for low-income families in Indonesia.

During the two days, participants were invited to discuss and learn together about Habitat for Humanity and the work being done. Through participation in this program, youth communities, schools, and educational institutions can contribute to the noble effort of providing decent housing for the underprivileged.

MedcoEnergi volunteers building walls of homes in Marga Mulya Village.
EN-ID Blog

MedcoEnergi Volunteers Build 15 Decent Homes for Low-Income Families

More than 150 MedcoEnergi volunteers built 15 decent homes units for low-income families in Marga Mulya Village, Mauk District, Tangerang Regency (8/6). This activity is part of a collaboration between MedcoEnergi, Medco Foundation, and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, and is part of the celebrations marking MedcoEnergi’s 44th anniversary. 

The moment was made even more special with the presence of Mrs. Yani Panigoro, Commissioner of MedcoEnergi, who also participated in building the house walls. This volunteering effort marks the third time MedcoEnergi has undertaken such actions. Following the successful construction of 11 homes for low-income families in 2023, MedcoEnergi demonstrates its commitment once again by building 29 livable housing units in 2024. 

The spirit of teamwork exhibited by MedcoEnergi volunteers is expected to enhance the quality of life for the families receiving support. Beyond simply providing housing, this initiative is hoped to inspire other companies to join in sustainable social efforts. 

Mrs. Indrijati Rahayoe presenting the CSR Partners Award to Mr. Susanto.
EN-ID Blog

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Receives Prudential Indonesia CSR Partnership Award 

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia received the CSR Partners Award from Prudential Indonesia for their collaboration in realizing the Desa Maju Prudential (DMP) program. The award was presented directly by Mrs. Indrijati Rahayoe, Chief Human Resources & Community Investment Officer of Prudential Syariah, to Mr. Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, at the PRUVolunteers Awards: Celebrating Acts of Kindness event in Jakarta (June 11).

This award was given as a form of appreciation for the outstanding support and collaboration between Habitat Indonesia and PT Prudential Life Assurance since 2020. Through this partnership, impacts achieved include the creation of 82 decent housing units, 4 units of clean water access, 37 portable handwashing facilities, the construction of 1 early childhood education center (PAUD) and the renovation of 2 schools, the construction of 38 individual toilets, mangrove tree planting by volunteers, WASH and financial literacy training, as well as health consultations and check-ups in Mauk District, Tangerang and Gunung Putri District, Bogor.

This award also symbolizes the ongoing commitment to improving the quality of life for the community and is expected to further motivate all parties involved to continue innovating and making real contributions for a better future for low-income families.

Gresik government officials and Habitat Indonesia representatives at the program launch event.
EN-ID Blog

The Kick Off of the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and Gresik Regency Government Program for the Year 2024-2025 

Gresik, May 8, 2024 – The Gresik Regency Government, in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, held the opening of the Habitat for Humanity program, which aims to provide Decent Homes, Clean Water Access, Training in the Water and Sanitation Sector, and Community Economic Empowerment, located in Sooko Village, Wringinanom District. The event began with a field visit to MTs. Maulana Malik Ibrahim, a recipient of the Digital Library program, and visits to recipients of clean water installation assistance and the construction of decent homes.

In accordance with Article 28H, paragraph 1 of the Constitution, which states that “Every person has the right to live a prosperous life physically and mentally, to have a place to live, and to have a good and healthy environment and to receive health services,” this is also reinforced by Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, Article 40, which states that “Every person has the right to have a place to live and to live decently.”

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia has implemented programs in 16 Districts/Cities in East Java since 2003. In 2015, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia began serving in Wringinanom District, located in South Gresik, with program achievements including 284 family toilets, 377 units of Decent Homes – New Buildings, 2 units of Decent Homes – Renovation, 1 School Toilet unit, 60 Shallow Wells, 2 Integrated Health Posts, 520 participants in Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion Training, 425 participants in Family Financial Management Training, 628 participants in Healthy Home & Basic Construction Training, 120 participants in Disaster Mitigation Training, and 180 participants in Economic Empowerment Training.

“However, we still face many problems in the Housing and Settlements sector, including inadequate housing, slum settlements, housing backlog, inadequate sanitation and drinking water conditions, and waste management issues that are still challenging for Local Governments. Collaboration between stakeholders will accelerate the achievement of targets in the Housing and Settlements sector,” said the Regent of Gresik in his remarks and directions.

“In response to the housing sector, which is one of the crucial factors in meeting primary needs, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is committed to continuing this challenge. Additionally, basic services such as sanitation and access to clean water for low-income communities are also our concern. Our hope is that this can provide a sustainable, inclusive positive impact in improving their quality of life,” said Mr. Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

Specifically, the Regent of Gresik expressed appreciation for the collaboration between the Gresik Regency Government and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia in implementing this slum alleviation program. The Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Program Plan for 2024-2025, located in Wringinanom and Benjeng Districts, includes:

  1. Construction of Decent Homes – New Buildings for 100 Units;
  2. Renovation of Decent Homes for 20 Units;
  3. Construction of Family Toilets for 20 Units;
  4. Renovation of Community Meeting Halls for 12 Units;
  5. Construction of 75 Shallow Wells;
  6. Training in Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) for 1,500 people; and
  7. Training in Healthy Homes & Basic Construction for 200 people.