Tag: IBu Onah

EN-ID Blog

The dream of owning a home came true thanks to the financial training provided by Habitat Indonesia

Linda Takarendehan, usually called Mrs. Ona, was forced to flee for a long time in a refugee camp due to the Ternate conflict that occurred in 2013. Despite the economic difficulties, this family never give up on the situation. To meet their daily needs, Oda often worked as a laundry worker while her husband worked as a casual daily laborer. They never dare to dream of owning a house since fulfilling their daily needs is already challenging. Living in the shelter, where cleanliness is uncertain, made Ona worry about the health of her two children.

“We did not have a house, but we worked hard and prayed that one day we could have one.,” said Ona, remembering her time in the shelter.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia continues to carry out humanitarian missions to build hope and homes for low-income families, and Ona is one of them. Ona was very enthusiastic when she heard about the program from Habitat and that it was allocated to Bitung. She took part in the training programs held by Habitat, and she believed that this training would be beneficial for her life at that time. The training delivered some materials, such as financial training on managing finances by saving, making compost, farming, and so on.

After participating in the training, Ona started to apply things she learned. She built a habit of saving by setting aside her income as a brickmaker and her husband’s income as a freelancer working as a motorcycle taxi driver for the future of her two children. Financial training has also made Ona a woman who knows which needs are prioritized, such as having a decent place to live by putting aside wishes that are not a primary need.

Financial training had a significant impact on Ona. Not only saving became a lifestyle, but also the achievement of this mother of two through implementing the training provided by Habitat, which resulted in being able to pay off the building materials until her house was done in 2019.

“I feel so happy, I still cannot believe it, and it is like a dream. With my husband’s income, who only works as a casual laborer, he can own a house now. That dream come true by applying financial training held by Habitat Indonesia.” he said confidently.

Habitat Indonesia believes that decent homes can form better generations of the nation. Hopefully, Ona and her family can live comfortably in her new home.

“I feel so happy, I still cannot believe it, and it is like a dream. With my husband’s income who only works as a casual laborer, he can own a house now. That dream come true by applying financial training held by Habitat Indonesia.” he said confidently.

Habitat Indonesia believes that decent homes can form better generations of the nation. Hopefully, Ona and her family can live comfortably in her new home.