Tag: Christmas 2022

EN-ID Blog

Christmas Moment 2022 with Habitat Indonesia

Christmas is a moment to commemorate the birth of the Lord JESUS CHRIST for all humanity. His birth in this world shows how great His Love is. Habitat for Humanity Indonesia celebrated Christmas with all employees on December 16, 2022, at the National Office. Mr. Rene Widjaja and Mr. Rally also attended the Christmas celebration that night as representatives of the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Board, and Mr. Jusuf Arbianto as the representative of the Advisory Council of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

The celebration was started with solemn and meaningful worship. After the Christmas Eve service, the celebration was also enlivened with various exciting activities such as games, selection of the best outfit of the day, and watching Christmas videos, which were participated in by all Habitat Indonesia employees at the National Office and on the sites. At the end of the event, the celebration night was closed with remarks delivered by the Head of Habitat Indonesia Christmas Committee 2022, Mr. Luki.

This Christmas moment is also a reminder to give thanks for God’s inclusion in Habitat Indonesia. Hopefully, Habitat Indonesia will continue to be passionate about carrying out humanitarian missions, realizing the dreams of low-income families to have a home and hope.