Tag: ambassador

EN-ID Blog

Another Chapter to Our Future: Ambassador Build

Since Habitat for Humanity Indonesia was found in 1997, HFHI has invited various parties, ranging from government and private organizations, to support the need for adequate housing in Indonesia. This collaboration has brought change and improved the quality of life of the Indonesian people, especially in Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s service areas.

This movement was recognized again on Saturday, September 23 2023, where Habitat for Humanity Indonesia held a building activity called the sixth Ambassador Build. This activity involved various important figures, such as the American Ambassador and leaders of American companies in Indonesia, who enthusiastically helped in developing the lives of home-partners in Bebulak Village, Marga Mulya Village, Mauk District, Tangerang.

The event was enlivened by the presence of participants from various impressive backgrounds, namely: the American Ambassador in Indonesia, the Honorable Ambassador Kim Sung Yong, the Head of Marga Mulya village, the Head of the Sector Police, the Military General Command, as well as all regional officials, police, and local military units. Important figures from Habitat for Humanity Asia-Pacific also attended the event, such as Mr. Luis Noda and Mrs. Ana Narag. Other special guests were Pastor Tommy Pacatang and Mr And Simangunsong, Habitat Indonesia Advisory Board. Supporting Habitat’s vision and mission in this event, IDC Habitat for Humanity Indonesia members, such as Mr. Jimmy Marin, Mr. Jens Reisch, Mrs. Kwik Wan Tien, and Mrs. Luce Kwee also participated as participants in the Ambassador Build event.

After the Habitat Indonesia Team carried out a safety briefing and warm-up with the participants, the volunteers moved down to the construction site where they worked together to build 4 houses belonging to local residents. The participants were divided into 4 groups according to the number of houses, where 2 groups carried out foundation construction work and the other 2 groups built walls. The hot sun did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants who took part in various house construction activities that day.

Through this activity, the volunteers participated directly in improving the quality of life of the people of Mauk, Tangerang. It is hoped that this assistance for livable houses can open up opportunities for collaboration in the future to build more decent houses for families in need in Indonesia.