Kategori: EN-ID Blog

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EN-ID Blog

Share Kindness with Your Favorite Stuff

Congratulations to Brian Dusza for winning the auction at Donor Appreciation Night. Located in the Hall Room of the JS Luwansa Hotel, Habitat Indonesia held a fund raising by auctioning rare collectibles. On that night, Chelsea FC Memorabilia was sold for Rp. 11,000,000.00.

On September 20, 2022, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia collaborated with Helping Hand Group, an Australian company, to provide auction items for a fundraising event, displaying and selling a limited number of 20 items sought by collectors. Categories of auction items sold are memorabilia (sports, art and figures), experiences and vacations. All guests and invitees who attended the Donor Appreciation Night (DAN) event that night were very enthusiastic and asked about the items on display because all of them are worthy and interesting to buy because these items are widely known throughout the world, such as the Barcelona FC jersey and Real Madrid FC, Germany national team jersey, Metallica guitar, holiday in Bali and much more.

There is still an opportunity for Habitat Friends who are interested in knowing and want to buy the auctioned items by visiting our website: www.habitatindonesia.org or scanning the barcode below:

Let’s not stop doing good by supporting Habitat for Humanity Indonesia so that we can help many low-income families in Indonesia to have decent houses to live in.

You can also do good directly to those in need without having to come face to face by visiting our website: https://supporthabitat.org/ . (BN)

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EN-ID Blog

Thunderbuild 2022

Thunderbird alumni is finally back to holding its annual social activity by donating 5 decent houses and doing the build activities which was carried out on September 3, 2022 in Curug Village, Babakan Madang, Sentul-Bogor, with the theme Thunderbuild.

Thunderbuild is an annual build activity carried out by alumni of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, a university in Arizona, United States. They came from different generations and together they support the construction of decent houses for low-income families. Thunderbuild was suspended for 3 years due to the pandemic. This year, Thunderbuild is finally running again, involving more than 25 volunteers. The main activity was building foundations and walls, symbolic handover of the house was also carried out by giving a plaque by Mrs. Linda (one of the representatives of Thunderbird and also one of the Volunteers of The Day) to one of the beneficiaries.

Since 2016 until today, Thunderbird has built 16 decent houses for low-income families. Together we build Indonesia!

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EN-ID Blog

To Celebrate Its 71st Anniversary, Lautan Luas collaborates with Habitat Indonesia to Hold Lautan Luas and Partners Build

In way of celebrating its 71st anniversary, PT Lautan Luas Tbk collaborated with Habitat Indonesia to celebrate together by doing build activities in Marga Mulya Village – Mauk, Tangerang. PT Lautan Luas Tbk has created a village called Kampung Lautan Luas where residents can live in decent houses, get good sanitation, access to clean water that shall meet the daily needs of residents, as well as other facilities.

The Kampung Lautan Luas program targets the construction of 70 decent housing units, 70 family toilet units, 7 access to clean water that will serve 700 families, village gates and training as reinforcement for low-income families so that they can live a clean, healthy life, as well as building the basic foundation of healthy houses and waste management.

This “Volunteer Build” activity was held on September 18, 2022, marked by cutting ‘tumpeng’ and beating the gong. This Volunteer Build activity was also attended by:

1. Mauk Sub-district Head, Mr. Arif Rahman, S.STP, M.Si

2. Head of Margamulya Village, Mr. Abubakar

3. Ladies and gentlemen of the board of directors of PT Lautan Luas Tbk:

Mr. Indrawan Masrin: President Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr. Jimmy Masrin: Vice President Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr. Joshua Chandraputra Asali: Managing Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr. Soewandhi Soekamto: Commercial Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mr Danny Surya Adenan: Manufacturing Director Business Development PT Lautan Luas Tbk

Mrs. Elly Mariana Tansil: Finance Director of PT Lautan Luas Tbk

The enthusiasm of 70 participants who took part in this Build activity was very visible since the warm-up before the build activity began. Build activities carried out were building foundations, walls and painting for 5 houses and 1 school in Mauk.

At the end of the event, Mr. Susanto as the National Director of Habitat Indonesia conveyed the future plans regarding the realization of the construction of houses in Kampung Lautan Luas as part of our concern. Lautan Luas together with Habitat Indonesia hopes that this activity can bring positive impact and light up the spirit of building houses and hope for Indonesia. Let’s Rise together to Build Indonesia.

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EN-ID Blog

Habitat Indonesia Award

Donor Appreciation Night 2022

On 20 September 2022, Habitat Indonesia held Donor Appreciation Night 2022 at the ballroom of JS Luwansa Hotel & Convention Center. This is a special moment for Habitat Indonesia which has been established for 25 years, to express appreciation to corporate donors, individual donors and partners who for the past three years have supported Habitat in serving the community. The same event was held in 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to the award recipients, invited guests who were also present that night, including the Board of Trustee, Board of Supervisors and Board of Advisory Habitat Indonesia. Mr. Shoban Rainford, Director of Resource Development Habitat for Humanity International also came and delivered his keynote speech. Several members of the Indonesia Development Council (IDC), namely Edwin Soeryadjaya, Jimmy Masrin, Kwik Wan Tien and Hilmi Panigoro were also present that night.

The event began with remarks by Susanto, National Director of Habitat Indonesia and Rene Indiarto Widjaja, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Habitat Indonesia. The Jaipong dance presented by the children of the residents of Margamulya Village, one of the villages in Karawang Regency which is a cluster project of Habitat Indonesia, as well as the Choir of Habitat Indonesia staff, also enlivened the event that night.

There were 47 awards presented to Habitat Indonesia’s donors and partners, which were divided into 10 categories, they are:

1. Media Award

2. Volunteer & Youth Award

3. Celebrity Award

4. Habitat Partner Award

5. Habitat Champion Award

6. Pandemic Response Award

7. Natural Disaster Response Award

8. Home Builder Award

9. Community Builder Award

10. Nation Builder Award

The presentation that raised the topic of Climate Smart Housing Concept delivered by Mr. Susanto, in addition to conveying Habitat’s steps in responding to the world’s conditions facing climate change, as well as inviting the audience to support the provision of houses for underprivileged residents that are built in smart ways to maintain sustainability on earth.

At the end of the event Susanto expressed his gratitude to the award recipients, invited guests and sponsors who have supported the implementation of the 2022 Donor Appreciation Night. He also invited the audience to continue their support for Habitat Indonesia to build Indonesia together.

EN-ID Blog

Foreword by the National Director

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia


Starting this September, I had the opportunity to visit Manila to take part in the Quarterly Portfolio Review and APO’s Staff Team Building Retreat. We should be grateful because, based on the 2022 fiscal year report, Indonesia was the third highest country in the housing development and repair program. This achievement was undoubtedly not easy to obtain, especially in a pandemic. However, the meetings and discussions with Habitat representatives from various countries in Asia have provided many inputs, where Habitat Indonesia can learn from the achievement strategies and programs of other countries in the Asia Pacific. Hopefully, Habitat can continue the spirit of achievement in the 2023 fiscal year and can help more families.

On September 20, 2022, I also felt another joy because Habitat Indonesia was finally able to hold the Donor Appreciation Night 2022 activity, a routine activity every two or three years to appreciate each donor and Habitat partner. I was happy to meet and stay in touch with company leaders, media, and public figures who have supported Habitat and witnessed them receiving awards for their participation.

Habitat Indonesia’s award may be insignificant if judged on the material. Still, Habitat believes that expressions of gratitude can strengthen love with each party which enhances the continuity of sustainable cooperation.

We hope that donors and partners working with Habitat so far remain faithful in creating other forms of collaboration in the future. Donors who have not collaborated may be encouraged to collaborate through various programs at Habitat. Together with all parties, let’s #TogetherBuild Indonesia into a decent home for everyone.



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EN-ID Blog

HabitatQuiz Celebrates Indonesia’s 77th Independence

In commemoration of Indonesia’s 77th independence day, Habitat Indonesia held a HabitatQuiz through social media Instagram. In addition to interacting directly with loyal followers of Habitat’s social media, commonly called Sahabat Habitat, this is also to increase awareness of the programs held by Habitat.

For this quiz, Habitat Indonesia has the theme of what Habitat Indonesia is doing where the answers are hidden through random sentences. The question asked is “What is the main focus of Habitat Indonesia?”. Friends of Habitat themselves were asked to answer questions through random letters that became the answers and also invited 3 friends to join by tagging as much as possible.

Winners are selected for seven days and are selected based on the most mentions and welcome tags. On August 22, 2022, the winner of the quiz was finally chosen, the chosen habitat friend named Adinda with Instagram @adinsaaa who answered with the correct answer to random sentences along with the most mentions and tags. Adinda as the winner answered “A decent house” and had the most and most welcome, besides that Adinda’s answer also had the most likes in the comments.

The winner selection is selected over seven days and is selected based on the most mentions and welcome tags. On August 22, 2022, the winner of the quiz was finally selected, the chosen habitat friend named Adinda with instagram @adinsaaa who answered with the correct answer to a random sentence along with the most mentions and tags. Adinda as the winner answered “Decent house” and had the most and was welcome, besides that Adinda’s answer also had the most likes in the comments.

As the selected winner, he received a prize in the form of 2 movie tickets, and it was sent on August 24, 2022. Adinda expressed her gratitude for the gift received and will be used with her husband.Habitat Indonesia also expresses its gratitude to all habitat friends who participated, for friends who have not been lucky enough to be able to participate in the upcoming HabitatQuiz, don’t forget to continue to monitor, follow, and subscribe to Habitat Indonesia through all social media:

Facebook: Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Linkedin: Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Youtube: Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Twitter : Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Instagram: @Habitat_id

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EN-ID Blog

Continue the Good You Have Started

Do you ever feel annoyed when your good intentions are not appreciated by others? Or have you ever felt sad when the kindness you have done is not appreciated at all? Yes, that’s what life is like, sometimes it doesn’t go as expected. There is a reality that must be accepted even though it is bitter.

Keep doing good because you are a good person. There is no need to wait for the same kindness in return or expect great praise and rewards. Do good deeds because you really want to spread goodness to others. Not to get the same reward or praise. Doing good is a life behavior that can bring peace and comfort to life. There is no need to worry or worry about other people’s judgment because not everyone needs to understand your situation.

We do good and we are happy. This can be used as a kind of mantra for ourselves to continue doing good that can bring happiness and inner satisfaction. There is no need to worry about other people’s judgment, just do the things that we can do the best, then let the universe work in its own way to bring more grace around us.

Keep doing good wherever you are. Maybe we are not really good people yet, but at least doing something good can make life more meaningful.

Let’s not stop doing good by supporting Habitat for Humanity Indonesia so that it can help many low-income families in Indonesia to have decent houses to live in. Through the collaboration program between Habitat Indonesia and Akuberbagi.com, a digital platform for sharing goodness that allows us to have the benefits of inheritance and the value of the benefits that are formed to be distributed to Habitat Indonesia. Program information and registration please click: https://akuberbagi.com/purchase-program/Donasi/step-1/6/- .

You can also do good directly to those in need without having to come and face to face by visiting the website: https://dukunghabitat.org/

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EN-ID Blog

CEO Build 2022

Board Room Leaders – Community Builders

On August 12-13, 2022 Habitat Indonesia once again held the CEO Build event, after the last one in 2019. The CEO Build 2022 which was led by Mr. Edwin Soeryadjaya, took the theme “Board Room Leaders – Community Builders”, located in Banyuwangi, attended by 62 entrepreneurs and leaders from various companies in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali.

On the first day, CEO Build began with a city tour to various tourist destinations in Banyuwangi and a welcome dinner at the New Surya Hotel, where most of the participants stayed. On the second day, all participants were divided into 8 groups and were excited and enthusiastic to do building activities; setting foundations and building walls for 8 houses out of 11 houses being built for the residents of Sumbermulyo Village. The event ended with a visit to the Pulau Merah tourist destination and a farewell dinner in the evening. All participants expressed their appreciation for this unforgettable CEO Build, which has given them the opportunity to extend their hands, helping the community to have a decent place to live.

Through CEO Build 2022, the fundraising obtained was donation to build 29 new decent houses in various regions in Indonesia, with most houses will be allocated to the community in Banyuwangi.

Together we build Indonesia.

See you at the next CEO Build!

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EN-ID Blog

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and Samsung C&T Accomplish the Second Phase of the Community Development Program in Cilamaya through Samsung Village #9 Project

Habitat and Samsung Village #9 project provide decent homes, clean water access, sanitation, and education facilities

Jakarta, August 4, 2022 – Samsung C&T and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia accomplish the second phase of the community development program for the less privileged families in Cilamaya through the Samsung Village #9 project. This Samsung Village #9 project is committed to supporting the community’s fundamental needs in Cilamaya by providing decent homes, clean water access, sanitation, and education facilities. 

This Samsung Village #9 project is the third collaboration between Habitat Indonesia, Samsung C&T, and Habitat Korea after its previous collaboration on Samsung Village #1 and Samsung Village #6 projects. This collaboration is part of the Samsung C&T CSR regular project, held in different countries yearly.

The Samsung Village #6 project in 2018 was successful in providing 20 new housings, communal water stations with a water pipe and a latrine, and education facilities renovation. Construction training also was given to thirty-four people, hygiene training to 254 people, and financial education to twenty-eight people.

In this second phase, through the Samsung Village #9 project, which started in February 2021 to July 2022, Habitat and Samsung C&T built 25 new housings, 4 communal water stations with latrines, and renovated 3 public schools.

As the project before, not only facilitating Cilamaya with physical constructions, the Samsung Village #9 provides non-physical programs in the form of fundamental and safety construction training and hygiene training. The program can help approximately 1.178 people spread over three villages in Cilamaya: Muara Village, Cilamaya Village, and Mekarmaya Village.

In the project closing event on August 4, 2022, in Cilamaya, Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, said that Habitat Indonesia always strives to support the government in realizing inclusive, sustainable development to ensure no one region is left behind. “Cilamaya is an area that needs attention. We are very grateful to be able to collaborate with Samsung C&T to hold various programs to improve the less privileged families’ life quality in Cilamaya”, explained Susanto.

Habitat believes that a decent home is a basic need where everyone can start life. The support of Samsung C&T through the Samsung Village #9 project will enable vulnerable groups, especially the elderly, families with disabilities, women, and children in Cilamaya, to live safely, comfortably, healthy, and productively.

“A decent home can give hope of a more prosperous life and an increasing economy for the families there. A comfortable house and school for the children to learn will support them to create more intelligent generations and have a better future. Especially in the pandemic, the clean water availability at several points can help the community in Cilamaya easier to keep the health protocol and keep the environment clean”, add Susanto.

Mr. Changsuk Kim (Deputy Project Manager), Samsung C&T said “We are delighted to partner with Habitat for Humanity in Indonesia to improve the living conditions of the villagers in Cilamaya. As with the successful nine Samsung C&T villages we had built across Asia, we hope that this project would also build the foundation for less privileged people to tackle poverty and improve their lives.”

Habitat encourages various parties to collaborate in conducting multiple programs in vulnerable areas to overcome the lack of life to a better life so that all communities in Indonesia can feel equitable development and prosperity wherever they are. 

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EN-ID Blog

Remarks by National Director

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Dear Habitat family,

First of all, I would like to congratulate the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. May the spirit of independence continue to ignite in our hearts, for we can recover faster and rise stronger.

Filling the spirit of Independence Day this month, I had an opportunity to attend the closing ceremony of the second Samsung #Village 9 program in Cilamaya on August 4th. The program that succeeded in providing more than ten decent homes, communal water stations with pipes and restrooms, and education facilities renovation has fulfilled the lives of more than one thousand families there. I am delighted to continue collaborating with Samsung as a form of support to realize inclusive, sustainable development to ensure that no one region is left behind, including Cilamaya.

Besides attending the Samsung Village #9 closing ceremony, I was also very enthusiastic about being able to participate in the CEO Build event in Banyuwangi on August 12-13. CEO Build is an activity to build the home that Habitat previously held regularly. This current CEO Build became the first event since being stopped for two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. CEOs from various companies attended the event. One of them was Edwin Soeryadjaya, the pioneer or inspirator. Edwin Soeryadjaya became a role model to the other CEOs. He said that the CEOs are not only leaders in the middle of companies or offices but also must be leaders in community development. CEOs have a significant role in supporting the acceleration of equitable development for the community in need of justice and prosperity.

May the collaboration and the spirit of hand in hand like this be implemented regularly. We invite all parties to be able to #TogetherBuildIndonesia through Habitat’s mission to make Indonesia a decent place for everyone to live.

