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Desa Maju Prudential phase 2

To commemorate Prudential’s 27th anniversary with Habitat Indonesia through volunteer activities last Saturday, 5 November 2022. As many as 62 Prudential employees as volunteers took part in beautifying the walls by painting houses. In addition, there was also financial literacy training, medicinal plant planting, and the first stone laying as the starting sign of the second phase of the Desa Maju Prudential Village (Prudential Advanced Village) in Tanjung Anom Village – Mauk, Tangerang. The symbolic activity of laying the first stone was witnessed directly by Mr. Luskito Hambali as Chief of Marketing and Communication and Mrs. Indrijati Rahayoe as Chief of HR Community Investment, Risk & Compliance Officer of Prudential Syariah.

The second phase of the intervention program includes the construction of 50 houses for low-income families, 2 access to clean water, 25 individual toilets, and the renovation of 4 educational facilities in 2 schools. There is also training such as holding financial management training for housewives and elementary school children, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) training, as well as Basic Construction and Healthy Homes Training in Tanjung Anom Village, Mauk – Tangerang.

Prudential, together with Habitat Indonesia through the Desa Maju Prudential program, has hopes that in the future, low-income families can become more empowered and independent through this second phase of development.

Together We Build Indonesia!

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Remarks by National Director

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia


Congratulations on Commemorating National Hero Day on November 10. May the spirit of striving started by our heroes in the past continue to flow and burn in our hearts, especially to make Indonesia a safe and comfortable Habitat for everyone.

On November 5, 2022, I had the opportunity to revisit Mauk, Tangerang. The visit left a deep impression on me. The purpose of my visit was to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the 2nd phase of the Desa Maju Prudential project.

A little flashback, Habitat Indonesia has been working with Prudential since 2019 by providing decent housing in Yogyakarta. In 2021, the collaboration continues with the Prudential Advanced Village program in Buaran Anom Village. This program has helped more than 3,000 low-income families to get decent housing. Not only concrete supports, but they also had the opportunity to receive various essential trainings.

I hope this 2nd phase of the Desa Maju Prudential project in Mauk Tangerang, marked by the groundbreaking ceremony, will run smoothly. This collaboration will proceed to build 50 livable houses, two units of clean water access, 25 individual toilets, and repair four facilities in 2 schools. In addition to physical construction, this cooperation will provide basic construction training to around 50 residents and clean water and sanitation training to approximately 75 residents.

After several years of intervening in this village, I was impressed to see the community actively supporting our programs. I see a societal transformation; individuals and groups have slowly grown in a more positive direction. Of course, all of this is possible because of the synergy of all parties, one of which is Prudential. On this occasion, on behalf of Habitat, I would like to wish Prudential a happy 27th birthday which fell on November 2, 2022. I hope that Prudential will continue to prosper and be Habitat’s partner in building a prosperous nation.

The program we provide may not be that big. However, I still feel proud and believe it can strongly encourage the Mauk community to live more decently, independently, prosperously, and sustainably towards transformation at all levels for a long time.



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Young Volunteers Made Ms. Suhaeni’s Home So Beautiful Through Painting on 28uild 2022

After 2 years since the pandemic started, Habitat Indonesia is finally back to hold 28uild on Saturday, October 29, 2022 simultaneously in two cities in Indonesia; Gresik and Tangerang. Activities at 28uild this time included painting and building foundation for new house; painting 9 houses and building foundation of 1 new house in Gresik, painting 23 houses and 3 schools, and building foundation for 14 new houses in Mauk.

One of the 23 houses that was painted in Mauk in 28uild was the house of Ms. Suhaeni, the mother of 1 child was very happy when Habitat Indonesia wanted to beautify her house by painting it. The economic factors faced by Ms. Suhaeni are also an obstacle for her to realize her dream of owning a decent house. She used to work odd jobs as a grain laborer and a mobile vegetable seller. Now Ms. Suhaeni only relies on her child because she is not physically strong enough to return to work.

Three years ago, Ms. Suhaeni received assistance from Habitat Indonesia, Ms. Suhaeni said that before her house was built, her house had walls and roof made of bamboo was very unsafe to live in, leaked when it rained, even flooded her house, while snakes often entered her room when she was fast asleep because her house is not far from the rice fields. Ms. Suhaeni’s husband has passed away several years ago, now she lives alone because her son is now married and lives not far from her house. Ms. Suhaeni continues to be grateful, a 52-year-old woman can smile as the dream of having a safe and comfortable decent house has come true.

Last Saturday afternoon, the Habitat volunteers who joined were very excited to paint Ms. Suhaeni’s house, the volunteers were also greeted with friendly smiles. This 52-year-old woman also often shares stories with volunteers who were painting her house. Habitat Indonesia has hope, 28uild can raise the spirit of nationalism to help low-income families, Habitat Indonesia believes that by building houses, we build life and hope.

With Habitat, #TogetherWeBuildIndonesia

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Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Invites 300 Volunteers to Build Decent Houses in Mauk, Tangerang and Gresik, Surabaya

Commemorating Youth Pledge Day, which falls on October 28, 2022, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia held a 28uild event, inviting young volunteers to build and paint dozens of houses and schools in Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang on Saturday (29/10).

Habitat held this 28uild by inviting around 300 young volunteers from various backgrounds, consisting of students, university students, workers, and public figures.

28uild is an annual event carried out by Habitat since 2012. Although it was canceled during the pandemic (2020-2021), this year, the event is back again so that the younger generation feels empathy for vulnerable communities.

Through this event, Habitat hopes to increase the younger generation’s awareness about the importance of a decent and healthy place to live to achieve a prosperous life for low-income people.

“Through this activity, we want young people to be involved starting from building houses. We know that there are still millions of families in Indonesia who are suffering and struggling with living in houses that do not deserve to be called a decent place to live,” said National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Susanto, when met by Hypeabis.id, Saturday (29/10) at the location.

Meanwhile, a young volunteer who is also a public figure, Daniel Mananta. He joined the program because he felt touched when he saw that the mentality of children with decent housing differed from those who did not. Moreover, sanitation is also a crucial issue that affects public health.

Daniel, who was born in Jakarta, said he had participated in the Habitat program since 2017. Daniel also hopes that this activity will make the future of the younger generation in Indonesia better because it is supported by comfortable and safe housing.

“I want to improve the quality of human kind through the provision of decent housing. The hope is that when they go to school, they can proudly say that their homes are now safe, comfortable, and able to support their lives in the future,” said Daniel.

Separately, Tanisha, Chair of the Student Council from a private international high school in West Jakarta, said she was happy to be able to take part in the 28uild program. He seemed excited with his peers when he painted the school building at SDN Kedung Dalem in Mauk, Tangerang.

“Actually, a lot of people wanted to join. So at that time, we opened registration, but the time and quota were limited. So only people who registered at that time could join. Those [who didn’t participate] also regretted not being able to join this event,” said Tanisha.

Community Appreciation

Meanwhile, the Head of Kedung Dalem Village, Suryadi, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Habitat for building their village for more than eight or nine years. He revealed that the non-profit organization had built 230 decent houses and about 700 sanitation in the sub-district where he lives.

Not only houses and sanitation, but they have also built various facilities, such as a computer laboratory and a reading park up to the RT level. We hope that it will be able to support the education of children in the village. So that in the future, they can become a better generation.

“Habitat is truly the partner of government to build our village. Today, our residents are more pede (confident) because they used to be embarrassed, when still practicing open defecation. Now it’s no longer such a case,” said Suryadi.

Meanwhile, Asiyah, one of the residents of Kedung Dalem Village whose house is being built, hopes that her house will someday become a decent house to live with the assistance of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia through the 28uild program.

“My house was made of bamboo. Sometimes snakes came inside. I’m pleased, thank God, someone is helping,” said Asiyah, a mother of 2 children and the wife of a daily worker.

Habitat for Humanity claims, to date, through the 28uild program, they have managed to recruit more than 2,900 volunteers from several cities, such as Jakarta, Batam, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya. This year’s event, the young volunteers also succeeded in building 15 houses, painting 32 homes, two elementary schools, and 1 PAUD in Tangerang, Banten, and Gresik, East Java.

(Telah Tayang 29 October 2022 I Hypeabis.id)

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Prudential invites employees to participate in volunteer activities with Habitat Indonesia

Prudential Indonesia is one of the leading insurance companies in Indonesia for the umpteenth time inviting employees to do volunteer activities. Prudential Indonesia is aware that the profits will be returned to the community. Prudential Indonesia continues the phase II of Desa Maju program which is specifically for low-income communities. In this program, Prudential builds houses and public facilities in remote areas that are still underdeveloped.

The second phase of the cooperation program is planned to build an area in Tanjung Anom Village, Mauk District, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province. In this program, Prudential plans to build 50 houses, 2 sources of clean water, construction of 25 household toilets, and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) training. In addition, there is also the construction of educational facilities in 2 schools, including a computer laboratory, school toilets, a library, and an Early Childhood Education (PAUD) building.

Therefore, Prudential Indonesia and Habitat for humanity Indonesia regularly carry out volunteer activities in Tanjung Anom Village, Mauk sub-district. On October 15, 2022, for the first time in this year, all employees who volunteered beautified the homes of low-income families by painting, digging foundations, and building walls of 9 houses. 65 Volunteers that afternoon, when the weather was hot, the scorching sun did not dampen the enthusiasm of Prudential Indonesia volunteers to keep up the spirit. This of course cannot be separated from their slogans “I will share for my Country” and “in accord with our heart”.

Hopefully, this volunteer activity will be a good start for the second phase of the development of the Prudential Maju Village to create an independent and empowered community through decent housing.

Together We Build Indonesia!

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Mestika Bank and Akuberbagi donation for Habitat Indonesia

Housing is the basic human need besides clothing and food. Adequate housing conditions are one of the factors of public welfare and health for the realization of human development. After going through stagnation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Statistics Indonesia 2022 report shows that there is an improvement in the Human Development Index (HDI) where the index in 2021 reached 72.3 or up 0.4 points(1). The growth of the HDI index is an illustration of the level of healthy living, knowledge, and a decent standard of living that is getting better. For this reason, to further advance a more prosperous society, Akuberbagi.com and PT Bank Mestika Dharma Tbk (Bank Mestika) carry out a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to provide livable housing to low-income families in Indonesia which is distributed to Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

The distribution of social assistance funds is delivered in the form of insurance benefits which are the result of a collaboration between Bank Mestika and Akuberbagi.com worth Rp. 77 million. The symbolic handover session was held on Friday, September 23, 2022, at the Habitat Indonesia @Atria Sudirman office, 7th floor, Jakarta, which was attended by Suharto Kurniawan (Head of Corporate Secretary of Bank Mestika), Abraham Tulung (General Manager of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia), Bistok M Naibaho (Direct Marketing Manager of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia) and Wilson Malau (Sales Head of Akuberbagi.com).

Marihot A. Pasaribu as Director and Chief Partnership Distribution of PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia (“Generali Indonesia”) said in a press release, “We are proud to be a part of distributing social funds to people in need. Housing is a basic human need where every child and family grows into the next generation of the nation. The effort to distribute CSR funds is also our support for government programs where by law it has been stated that every person/individual has the right to live and have a decent life. In addition, information that Akuberbagi.com not only provides syariah-based online protection, but we can also facilitate business partners and companies in distributing social funds that can be channeled in the form of direct donations or in the form of insurance benefits which will later be distributed through our partner social foundations. ”

On this occasion, Achmad S. Kartasasmita as the President Director of Bank Mestika said, “This distribution of assistance is a manifestation of the mission of Bank Mestika which consistently helps improve the standard of living of the people in the area where Bank Mestika operates. Through this activity, Bank Mestika wants to contribute more and reach out to many Indonesian people. Thank you to Generali Indonesia and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia for helping to realize our commitment to continue to contribute to many people.”

Akuberbagi.com supports waqf and inheritance programs that support the improvement of quality of life through digital platforms. The value of the benefits formed will be channeled for the benefit of many people through social institutions when customers experience mental risk. This platform helps by managing customer contributions with syariah life insurance principles so that the resulting benefit value can be optimally received with a very light nominal contribution. Customers are free to choose dozens of waqf and inheritance programs available on the www.akuberbagi.com website. Supported by trusted social institutional partners, including Dompet Dhuafa, Indonesian Children’s Cancer Foundation, SOS Children Village, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, and many more, Akuberbagi has now collected a potential inheritance of IDR 4.4 billion for 8 heritage programs and a potential waqf of IDR 1 .4 billion for 11 registered waqf programs.

As a partner, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia itself has built more than 38 thousand decent houses, 24 thousand access to water and sanitation, and has served more than 180 thousand families in Indonesia. Through this collaboration, Akuberbagi.com and Bank Mestika hope to continue to contribute and be involved in social issues and increase the added value of social funds distributed sustainably. In addition, both parties also hope that through the programs on Akuberbagi.com, more Indonesian families will be helped to get decent houses to improve the quality of family life.

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Resilient Housing Amid Climate Change Phenomenon

Bali, 5 October 2022 – the working group on SDGs & Humanitarian together with the working group on Environment, Climate Justice, and Energy Transition, from Civil 20 successfully organized a joint discussion on the topic “Resilient Housing Amid Climate Change Phenomenon”.  This discussion was attended by more than 60 participants from various countries both online and offline at the Hilton Resort, Bali.

“The number of the world’s population living in unfit housing areas will grow from 1 million to 3 million by 2050. Unfortunately, efforts to meet decent housing are hampered by problematic land permits, housing planning that is inaccessible to low-income groups, and minimal investment in low-cost housing,” said Rebecca Ochong, Habitat for Humanity International.

Rebecca on this occasion also talked about equitable access to housing for all. She mentioned that there are about 1 billion human populations in the world living in poverty housing. This has an impact on the stigma that considers the existence of this population to be less important than others.

“In addition, this condition makes it difficult for them to access basic services such as clean water and sanitation. These populations also have no land rights and are the most vulnerable to climate change,” Rebecca said.

Two solutions have been offered by Andreas Hapsoro (Habitat Indonesia) and Eka Arina (The Prakarsa). According to Hapsoro, housing development needs to uphold the principle of people-centered which provides a space for participation for local communities in planning housing that is resilient to climate change and natural disasters. Hapsoro also explained some examples of climate adaptation models that can be done by people from the housing sector. To be able to help populations that are vulnerable to climate change because they occupy poverty housing, it takes a commitment to put communities at the forefront of understanding the impact of climate change on their lives.

Hapsoro asks relevant stakeholders to make commitments in strengthening technical expertise in using approaches, tools, and processes that lead to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies and integrating in programs, operations, and support through homebuilding and renovation, disaster preparedness and resilience, disaster response and recovery, volunteer engagement, community education, advocacy, and housing market development.

Meanwhile, according to Eka, handling poverty and the housing crisis needs to be integrated into adaptive social protection schemes by creating a multidimensional poverty index as an indicator of poverty alleviation.

Eka also said that the increase in urbanization accompanied by various devastating shocks due to climate change and the potential for natural disasters, urban areas will become ‘new homes’ for poverty. “Where their households have limited resources to reduce, adjust and recuperate from shocks. So disaster recovery starts from minus, not zero,” she said.

To overcome this problem, said Eka, a new perspective is needed in seeing the problem of poverty and housing problems in the midst of climate change, namely through a multi-dimensional poverty approach.

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Socializing Development of Livable Houses, Tangerang Regency Government Launches APBDes Guidebook

TANGERANG, POSKOTA.CO.ID – The Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) has launched a guidebook for using APBDes. The launch of the APBDes Book aims to optimize the use of the budget for the construction of livable houses for the community.

Tangerang Regency Secretary, Moch Maesyal Rasyid, said that the launch of the APBDes Book was intended as a means of socializing the implementation of decent housing and settlements for the community.

Of course, that is following the rules, because, everyone has the right to occupy, enjoy, or have a decent house in a healthy, safe, harmonious, and systematic environment.

“Launching this APBDes book as a guidance in constructing livable houses. Because this program is a big homework for all of us, both the Central and Regional Governments,” he said, Saturday, September 24, 2022.

According to him, the government will be committed to carrying out village development to improve community welfare and the quality of human life as well as poverty alleviation. He explained, in Tangerang Regency itself, the construction of livable houses, until 2022, has only reached 36.48 percent. He said, for low-income families, the majority of the homes did not meet the standards of house safety rules, especially from disasters. One of the reasons may be due to the lack of public knowledge about the criteria for housing that is livable, safe, and healthy.

“This means that we, the government, together with all stakeholders and all components of society should together pay great attention to the construction of livable houses in Tangerang Regency,” he said. He explained that so far the Tangerang Regency Government has implemented the Joint People’s Movement to Overcome Poor Slum Dense Areas (Gebrak Pakumis) program for five years with aims that as many as 13 thousand housing units will be rebuilt into decent houses. “We have carried out this Gebrak Pakumis from 2017 to 2022, and we have built as many as 13 thousand livable housing units with budget sources from the APBD, APBDes, and CSR,” he said. He continued, the Tangerang Regency Government commits to complete the housing development program in its area soon. As one of the parties responsible for the implementation of decent housing and settlements in Tangerang. So the Tangerang Regency Government made a guidebook on the mechanism for providing housing and settlements by utilizing government funding sources, namely through the APBDes.

 “The Tangerang Regency Government hopes that with this guidebook, the community can more easily and freely access information and guidelines in using the APBDes to provide livable houses. “I hope.

As a humanitarian organization that focuses on providing adequate housing in Indonesia, the National Director of Habitat Indonesia Susanto added that we are happy and proud to be involved in the preparation of this guidebook.

“Launching this guidebook is one of the practical steps and the benefits can be directly felt by the community to optimize the construction and repair of livable houses in Tangerang,” he concluded.

(Saturday, 24 September 2022 18:26 WIB|Poskota.co.id)

EN-ID Blog

Remarks by National Director

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Dear #SahabatHabitat,

We are already through October this year. This month is particular and full of enthusiasm for me and all of us, especially for young Indonesian fighters, because this month, we commemorate World Habitat Day on October 2, 2022, and Youth Pledge Day on October 28, 2022.

First, I wish you a happy commemoration of World Habitat Day. We hope that the WHD commemoration can break our spirit to think about the importance of proper housing in Indonesia, especially for low-income families, and take a shared responsibility to make Indonesia a better habitat for everyone, both today and in the future.

Continuing the WHD commemoration, as a concrete realization that we support the completion of inadequate housing in Indonesia, Praise God, this year Habitat again has the opportunity to hold 28uild (to build) after being stopped in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This 28uild activity is a routine house-building activity every year that has involved especially young people since 2012. This activity aims to unite the spirit of the younger generation so that they realize the importance of decent housing, especially for low-income families in Indonesia, and participate in providing it.

This time, 28uild was held on October 29, 2022, in two cities, Mauk-Tangerang and Gresik-Surabaya. I was pleased that about 300 young volunteers were enthusiastic about participating in this activity. Through this year’s 28uild, Habitat and the young volunteers managed to build 15 houses, paint 32 homes, two primary schools, and one early childhood education. Since 2012, more than 2,900 volunteers have joined 28uild from several cities, such as Jakarta, Batam, Yogyakarta, and Surabaya.

Young people are one of the life of Indonesia. Habitat hopes that the younger generation can continue to actively support development in Indonesia by participating in 28uild activities organized by Habitat. Happy commemorating World Habitat Day and Happy Youth Pledge Day! See you at the 28uild movement next year.



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Art and Design Exhibition

Architect Unleashed

Located in Bottega Artisan, Alam Sutera – Tangerang, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia collaborated with an architect and well-known architectural designer, Raul Renanda, to hold an art and design exhibition inspired by architecture with the theme Architect Unleashed. The exhibition was held from September 8 to 24, 2022, and is open to the public free of charge.

In the cast, paintings by Raul Renada are shown which combined art and architect with attractive color combinations. In addition, the futuristic design of the Grand Piano and Speakers was also displayed in collaboration with Raul with Indonesian music figures, namely Indra Lesmana and Aksan Sjuman.

Habitat Indonesia participated in displaying Booth at the event as an effort to promote and introduce Habitat Indonesia to visitors, especially fans of Raul Renanda’s works. The exhibition is also part of the plan to start a fundraising partnership for the sale of NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) with Purpose Art Pte Ltd. NFT itself is a digital asset that is commonly used as proof of ownership of goods that can be purchased with crypto currency.

At the exhibition, our booth was visited by a famous singer and songwriter in Indonesia, Tompi. He saw and received information about Habitat Crew, our regular donation program to help organization build decent houses for low-income families in Indonesia.

Want to join the Habitat Crew?

Please click here: http://bit.ly/habitatcrewreg. (BN)