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EN-ID Blog

American Chamber Thanksgiving Golf Tournament 2022

Known as the most awaited event this year, AmCham (American Chamber) collaborated with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia charity partner to help survivors of the Cianjur Earthquake that occurred on November 21, 2022.

The Golf Tournament to commemorate Thanksgiving 2022 took place at the Emeralda Golf Club – Cimanggis, on November 24, 2022. The event attracted 148 enthusiastic players to participate in the tournament. The event started early in the morning with a delicious breakfast. The golfers used it as an opportunity to meet and chat again after a gap of 2 years. The event started when the sky was clear and the sun was shining bright, making the golfers excited to play and compete to be the winner.

After the match, the players were treated to a thanksgiving lunch provided by one of the sponsoring partners. The lunch event was also used to announce the winners and to auction exclusive items prepared by AmCham. The auction aims to raise donations from golfers to help the survivors of the Cianjur Earthquake who urgently need help clearing the rubble of houses that were heavily damaged or collapsed.

During the auction, a donation of IDR 44,000,000 (forty-four million rupiahs) was collected to be handed over to Habitat Indonesia. The donation will be distributed to help survivors of the earthquake. This donation is a form of the golfer’s concern for the disaster victims. Hopefully, this can ease the burden on our brothers and sisters in Cianjur to recover soon and live a normal life again. This tournament is also a testament to AmCham’s concern for many souls.

EN-ID Blog

The dream of owning a home came true thanks to the financial training provided by Habitat Indonesia

Linda Takarendehan, usually called Mrs. Ona, was forced to flee for a long time in a refugee camp due to the Ternate conflict that occurred in 2013. Despite the economic difficulties, this family never give up on the situation. To meet their daily needs, Oda often worked as a laundry worker while her husband worked as a casual daily laborer. They never dare to dream of owning a house since fulfilling their daily needs is already challenging. Living in the shelter, where cleanliness is uncertain, made Ona worry about the health of her two children.

“We did not have a house, but we worked hard and prayed that one day we could have one.,” said Ona, remembering her time in the shelter.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia continues to carry out humanitarian missions to build hope and homes for low-income families, and Ona is one of them. Ona was very enthusiastic when she heard about the program from Habitat and that it was allocated to Bitung. She took part in the training programs held by Habitat, and she believed that this training would be beneficial for her life at that time. The training delivered some materials, such as financial training on managing finances by saving, making compost, farming, and so on.

After participating in the training, Ona started to apply things she learned. She built a habit of saving by setting aside her income as a brickmaker and her husband’s income as a freelancer working as a motorcycle taxi driver for the future of her two children. Financial training has also made Ona a woman who knows which needs are prioritized, such as having a decent place to live by putting aside wishes that are not a primary need.

Financial training had a significant impact on Ona. Not only saving became a lifestyle, but also the achievement of this mother of two through implementing the training provided by Habitat, which resulted in being able to pay off the building materials until her house was done in 2019.

“I feel so happy, I still cannot believe it, and it is like a dream. With my husband’s income, who only works as a casual laborer, he can own a house now. That dream come true by applying financial training held by Habitat Indonesia.” he said confidently.

Habitat Indonesia believes that decent homes can form better generations of the nation. Hopefully, Ona and her family can live comfortably in her new home.

“I feel so happy, I still cannot believe it, and it is like a dream. With my husband’s income who only works as a casual laborer, he can own a house now. That dream come true by applying financial training held by Habitat Indonesia.” he said confidently.

Habitat Indonesia believes that decent homes can form better generations of the nation. Hopefully, Ona and her family can live comfortably in her new home.

EN-ID Blog

Christmas Moment 2022 with Habitat Indonesia

Christmas is a moment to commemorate the birth of the Lord JESUS CHRIST for all humanity. His birth in this world shows how great His Love is. Habitat for Humanity Indonesia celebrated Christmas with all employees on December 16, 2022, at the National Office. Mr. Rene Widjaja and Mr. Rally also attended the Christmas celebration that night as representatives of the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Board, and Mr. Jusuf Arbianto as the representative of the Advisory Council of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

The celebration was started with solemn and meaningful worship. After the Christmas Eve service, the celebration was also enlivened with various exciting activities such as games, selection of the best outfit of the day, and watching Christmas videos, which were participated in by all Habitat Indonesia employees at the National Office and on the sites. At the end of the event, the celebration night was closed with remarks delivered by the Head of Habitat Indonesia Christmas Committee 2022, Mr. Luki.

This Christmas moment is also a reminder to give thanks for God’s inclusion in Habitat Indonesia. Hopefully, Habitat Indonesia will continue to be passionate about carrying out humanitarian missions, realizing the dreams of low-income families to have a home and hope.

EN-ID Blog

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and Purpose Launch Impact-NFT Artwork

HABITAT for Humanity Indonesia and Purpose, a Bali-based block chain company, released 111,111 impact-NFT artworks created by renowned architect Raul Renanda. The collaboration aims to raise funds to construct 500 houses for low-income families.

Founder of Purpose, Okki Soebagio, said the impact-NFT collection resulted from collaborating with a creative movement, Ganara Art.

“We at Purpose are very proud to be working with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia to launch this extraordinary impact-NFT collection,” said Okki in a statement Friday (2/12).

This project, said Okki, will strengthen the company’s position as an impact-NFT initiator worldwide. Okki admitted that his party would consistently explore various social movements that could contribute through the impact-NFT collaboration platform.

Meanwhile, the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Susanto, said this collaboration shows that the quality of human life and works of art can follow trends or innovations like NFTs. Also read: attracting the customer interest, Golden Rama Tours & Travel Update Website Appearance. “We are delighted to be collaborating with Raul Renanda and Purpose. It strongly shows the quality of human life, and works of art can follow trends/innovations like NFTs,” he said.

The construction of 500 houses from impact-NFT sales, he said, could inspire the company’s partners. The more parties that work together, we can serve low-income families in obtaining housing, sanitation, and a decent life.

Meanwhile, Raul Renanda said he was proud to be part of the collaboration between Habitat for Humanity and Purpose. He said this collaboration could improve the quality of artists and designers, “People can now enjoy my passion for art and design in the form of the Impact-NFT Collection from Habitat For Humanity Indonesia. I was very proud when they chose me to design the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia 500 house project. We have created a great standard for all artists and designers,” said Raul Renanda. (RO/OL-7).

EN-ID Blog

Habitat and Ananda Sukarlan Successfully Hold a Songs for Cianjur Charity Concert

Jakarta: Habitat Indonesia, in collaboration with Modena and the famous Indonesian pianist and composer, Ananda Sukarlan, have successfully held a charity concert entitled “Songs for Cianjur” on Wednesday (7/12). This concert raised funds to help earthquake survivors in Cianjur, West Java.

“The charity concert, held at the Modena Experience Center Kemang, South Jakarta at 19.00 WIB is a quick step by Habitat to help earthquake survivors in Cianjur immediately,” said National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Susanto, in a written statement Thursday (8/12).

He continued that as a humanitarian organization who is responsible for responding to disasters, must aware to the need of quick response to help those affected by the disaster. Seeing the success of the concert held last year with Ananda Sukarlan to help survivors of the Tropical Cyclone Seroja in NTT, Habitat re-invited Ananda to have a charity concert.

Habitat’s collaboration with Ananda Sukarlan is the second collaboration to help disaster survivors after previously successfully holding a charity concert and raising funds of nearly 1 billion rupiahs to help survivors of the Tropical Cyclone Seroja that hit NTT in 2021.

The Songs for Cianjur charity concert presented six classical music performances by Ananda Sukarlan. Ananda also made songs especially for Cianjur survivors, and he performed them for the first time.

Three of the six pieces of music played were auctioned and the three guests won with the highest price. In his dazzling performance, Ananda was accompanied by soprano Mariska Setiawan and baritone Kadek Ari Ananda, two of the best classical vocalists in Indonesia today.

“I hope the guests who attend can enjoy the music I perform while donating. As an artist, the melodies at tonight’s concert are clear evidence of my concern and way of supporting the brothers and sisters in Cianjur. I invite all of us to contribute to helping them recover faster,” said Ananda.

The charity concert, held approximately for 3 hours, was attended by leaders from various companies and socialites who showed their enthusiasm to donate. Susanto emphasized that all funds collected would be distributed to earthquake survivors in Cianjur.

“We will use the funds raised tonight to build decent houses for more than 1,000 families who experienced the earthquake in Cianjur. Not long after the quake hit, we distributed 199 emergency shelter kits for small repair and debris clean-up, and 199 hygiene kits to 199 families”, added Susanto.

The night of the charity concert was made even more lively by the appearance of the guests and donors present. Apart from presenting musical works, the guests who attended also had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner menu served directly by a famous chef, Gilles Marx and the team.

EN-ID Blog

Remarks by National Director

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia


Time flies so fast, 2022 will end soon. We shall be grateful for God’s blessing to this organization throughout this year, and that our programs have run smoothly.

In the month of commemoration of the birth of the Savior; allow me to convey Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.

On December 7, 2022, I am pleased because Habitat has the opportunity to hold a charity dinner concert with Ananda Sukarlan and friends. The concert was held to raise funds to help earthquake survivors in Cianjur, West Java.

The collaboration with Ananda is Habitat’s second collaboration after successfully holding the Songs for NTT charity concert to help survivors of the Tropical Cyclone Seroja in NTT back in 2021.

The concert titled Songs for Cianjur was attended by special guests consisting of businessmen and socialites. One of them is Fofo Sariaatmadja, a well-known businessman in Indonesia.

The guests enthusiastically welcomed Ananda’s classical music while donating. They also did not hesitate to raise their bids for the three songs auctioned by Ananda. The funds raised will help more than one thousand families, the earthquake survivors in Cianjur, by building decent temporary housing and fulfilling other urgent needs.

The current condition of the survivors is still very concerning. They still need more clean water access, decent temporary housing, and adequate health support.

Let’s pray and show solidarity to help Cianjur recover faster, where you can extend by donating via:

Habitat Kemanusiaan Ind. Yay

BCA 210 3002958

or visit: kitabisa.com/campaign/solidaritashabitatindonesiauntukcianjur 

Once again, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023. Let’s end this year with thanksgiving and joy and welcome the New Year with new hopes and blessings.



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EN-ID Blog


The shared concern for environmental issues regarding the increasing amount of plastic waste formed a great collaboration. Plastic waste can cause soil pollution because it can block water absorption and sunlight absorption, reducing soil fertility and can cause flooding.

On that basis, ASHTA Mall and Jangjo (environmental sustainability company) collaborated with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and Rebricks (a company that manufactures building materials from plastic waste). The collaboration aims to educate and provide information to the public by opening a plastic waste installation stand at ASHTA Mall from 11 to 27 November 2022.

Through this activity, it is hoped that visitors will care about the environmental damage caused by plastic waste and want to participate simply by sorting waste that can be recycled so that the environment remains sustainable. Plastic waste that has been processed into building materials will be used to build 5 environmentally friendly houses in Mauk District, Tangerang Regency. The cost to build this house is expected from a donation auction of art made from coffee grounds created by restaurant and coffee shop tenants at ASHTA Mall. The #MinumKopiJadiSeni (#DrinkCoffeeMakeArt) tagline invites all of us to do something by participating in the donation auction – #PilahSampahJadiRumah.

Registration and further information about the auction can be contacted via WhatsApp at 08161865801.

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EN-ID Blog

Habitat Indonesia is holding a Tag and Share Quiz to celebrate 28uild 2022

On October 29, 2022, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia held a building activity entitled 28uild (read: to build) to commemorate the enthusiasm of Indonesian youth in the Youth Pledge, which falls on October 28. This build activity was carried out in Mauk, Banten Province and Gresik, East Java Province.

The build activity was attended by more than 300 volunteers from various backgrounds who enthusiastically beautified and built houses for low-income families in Mauk, Tangerang. Not only building activities, but Habitat Indonesia also organizes quizzes for 28uild participants by sharing the excitement of 28uild activities.

The Tag and Share held by Habitat Indonesia were welcomed enthusiastically by #relawanhabitat (#HabitatVolunteer). The requirements for taking this Quiz are as follows:

• #Relawanhabitat confirmed following Instagram @Habitat_id

• Photos shared are required to comply with safety protocols (using helmets and gloves) along with 28uild attributes.

• Upload photos on Instagram feed and story, tag 3 friends and mention @Habitat_id, hashtags #28uild and #habitatforhumanityindonesia.

The winners were announced on November 1, 2022, when 10 winners were determined following the terms and conditions. The 10 prizes have been given to 10 winners of the 28uild 2022 Tag and Share. A positive impression was also conveyed by one of the Tag & Share winners, who also volunteered in 28uild activities.

“This activity is very useful, not only for the brothers and sisters who are assisted but for us it is also a blessing and learning lessons to continue to be social human beings who are always ready and willing to help others and the environment. Participating in this Build activity also provides freshness after activities are interrupted due to the co-19 pandemic.” Ciwi Paino said excitedly.

Congratulations to the winner. Thank you very much for your support and participation in the 28uild 2022 volunteer activities. See you at the next build activity.

Keep the Spirit! Together we build Indonesia!

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EN-ID Blog

Have a Decent House with a Toilet is Mr Suraji’s Dream

“You don’t have to know them or be their neighbor just with an open Heart.”

Mr Suraji’s daily job is to feed cows and a farm labour. All his income is only enough to eat everyday. Suraji’s wife is currently limping and has to drag her foot because she once slipped and fell while walking to the river bank to defecate.

The rain made the road slippery. There was no lighting at night, it’s very dark. Pak Suraji hoped to have his own toilet. “A big thank you to the ladies and gentlemen who were involved in the construction of my house. Finally, my family and I have a decent house and a bathroom that is close to the house. I don’t even know them, but they open their heart and becomes my miracle and encouragement. This is a lesson for us, local people. No need to know or be neighbors but enough with sincerity to help.”

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EN-ID Blog

Solidarity for Cianjur

Towards the end of the year, precisely on November 21, 2022, at around 13.30 WIB (Western Indonesia Time), there was an earthquake measuring 5.6 magnitude in Cianjur Regency, West Java Province – Indonesia. This earthquake was also felt in Bandung, Jakarta, and also Tangerang. The Regional Disaster Management Agency recorded 268 fatalities, 1,097 injuries, and 24,088 severely damaged houses, resulting in 59,061 residents taking refuge in emergency shelters.

The Habitat Indonesia team has arrived at the Cianjur disaster site and conducted a more profound assessment. With expertise in housing construction, Habitat made an initial response in the form of the following:

1. Distribution of Emergency Shelter Kits (ESK)

(ESK contents: shovel, hoe, tarpaulin, nails, hammer, crowbar, etc.) that allow families to build temporary shelters or repair their homes.

2. Distribution of WASH and Cleaning Kits (WCK). The goal is for the families of survivors to clean themselves and live clean lives.

Let’s unite in solidarity to help our brothers and sisters in the Cianjur Regency area so they can have new hope. Our help means a lot. If you are willing to help our brothers and sisters through Habitat, please channel it via:


Bank Account Name: Habitat Kemanusiaan Ind. Yay.

Bank Account Number: 210-3002958


Bank Account Name:: Yayasan Habitat Kemanusiaan Indonesia

Bank Account Number: 100.920.8899