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EN-ID Blog

Bali Build II

On the 4th of April 2023, Bali Build returned to Purwakerti village, Karangasem Regency. The event is the continuity of the first Bali Build in January 2023. Bringing the theme of Building homes, building lives, and building community, Bali Build II invited 25 volunteers from Denpasar to build two out of six donated houses. 

Several activities were carried out, including walling, painting, wiring, and relocating the materials. Although many volunteers came from Denpasar, one came from Jakarta to join this event. As one of the donors and volunteers, Ms. Vita is keen to build decent houses for low-income families in Bali. Six houses were built in Bali Build II, in which PT Coconut Homes donated five out of six homes to the program. Around 92% of the volunteers came from the company.

“I think it’s important for people out there to become aware and open your mind to really visualized that not everyone is as lucky as we are. I knew I grew up in a really nice lovely home and I’m very thankful for that. I think it’s really great to give back to the community. To able to bring happiness to life by having a house that is your home. It’s amazing we can do this kind of build, to bring back to my home, to my island.”, Told Niluh, one of the Bali Build II’s volunteers.

This program offers the leaders of businesses and employees the opportunity to help those in need as well as be the agents of change for the community and our nation.

EN-ID Blog

There is a Light at the end of the tunnel

“Alhamdullilah, the people are grateful to Habitat and CRS team. We truly feel that the burden has been lifted when receiving the cleaning kits such as wheels, hammers, crowbars, and other tools. This week, we can sell the nails from every house because we have crowbars to take it out,” Told Nandi, one of the survivors of the Cianjur Earthquake who is also the head of the neighborhood in Suka Mulya Village, Pasir Sapi, Cianjur Regency.

When it happened, Nandi was in his house with his wife, children, and grandchildren. He was on vacation from his job as an employee in a glass installation service contractor outside of the city. It was Monday; he remembers how it happened in the daytime, right at 1 p.m. Suddenly, Nandi and his family could feel the ground trembling. It was only then he ever encountered such an earthquake. “It came suddenly, there were no warning signs, and I could feel the trembling from the ground to the top. It lasted around 4 to 5 seconds. I’m grateful, Alhamdulillah, I could run immediately. I took my grandchildren and escorted the villagers to the field. Maybe if we were late by 5 seconds, it could be more dangerous,” expressed Nandi.

There were cracks in the front and the back of Nandi’s house. However, he is still grateful because his house is in a much better condition compared to the rest of his neighbors. There are people whose houses collapsed due to the disaster. For several days, Nandi still had to wait in an emergency tent with the other 31 families. “let alone a week after the disaster, now we can’t even sleep in our house. We still live inside the tent.” Told Nandi.

Initially, Nandi couldn’t return to his house due to the trauma. However, the help provided by Habitat and CRS encouraged him to return and clean it. Hence after cleaning the house, Nandi could sell the nails collected from the ruins. The profits were helpful during the emergency period. “Even this week, we can sell the nails from every house because we have crowbars to take it out.” Told Nandi.

Nandi realized that he had to be patient during such a disaster. “It’s out of our control, so we need to be patient. Other than that, keep praying so that Cianjur will rise above the trial.” Hoped Nandi. Now, Nandi could only hope that his activities would be like they once were. He’s currently taking the role of the head of the neighborhood. Thus, he’s now busy with data collection. “I can’t put my needs first since many people need our help. It’s our job to protect the people and their families. I’m still seeking local volunteers for our groceries needs because the people are not 100% recovered. In addition, many of our people work as a farmer. Once it rains, the materials and ingredients are expensive, medicines too.” Closed Nandi.

He hopes the whole neighborhood will recover soon and have the chance to rebuild their lives.

EN-ID Blog

Road to BISRA 2023: Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge Sharing Webinar

Like previous years, a webinar was held as a part of the Bisnis Indonesia Corporate Social Responsibility Award (BISRA) 2023’s series of events. Those who will compete in BISRA 2023 are expected to obtain crucial knowledge and information in carrying out their CSR programs through the webinar.

Susanto, the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, as one of the juries on BISRA 2023, delivered a speech on the webinar alongside the Expert Staff on Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction from PPN/Bappenas, Vivi Yulaswati, the Head of Research of Bisnis Indonesia Intelligence Unit, Dias R Sutiono, and PT. Adaro Energy Indonesia’s CSR Program Manager, Zurida MH.

The webinar, which was held on Wednesday, April 12th, 2023, brought up the theme of “Bridging Social Impact Measurement and Corporate Social Responsibility”.

The theme raises a discussion on how the application of Corporate Social Responsibility holds the potential to expand a company’s access to the market and can strengthen its positive brand image. The principles for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are not limited to a social program that relies on its quantitative nature, but also brings a significant impact for change to resolve various socioeconomic and environmental problems.

“For this year’s BISRA award, the jury will conduct holistic research through quantitative and qualitative data during the selection process for the winner. In the selection process, we will evaluate the programs from each company’s input before looking at their output and results. We will use one of the 30 social impact measurement standards to assess the output before evaluating the impact.” told Dian. The board of juries will thoroughly assess the collected qualitative and quantitative data from each entry and their outcome, whether they correspond to the program’s objectives. Therefore, the board of jury can see the program’s impact on society.

The webinar was momentum for the opening of BISRA 2023’s registration and a place for the jury to explain the method for the assessment process on the competition.

EN-ID Blog

The Opening Remark from Our National Director

On Thursday, March 17th, 2023, the team and I visited Cianjur to monitor the development of a temporary housing program from January 2023 for the earthquake survivors. Although it has been three months since the earthquake, my heart goes out to the survivors who still live in emergency tents where they have to sleep in a cramped space with limited clean water access and an inadequate kitchen.

After distributing the ESK (Emergency Shelter Kits), WCK (Wash and Cleaning Kits), RRK (Rubber Removal Kits), and communal toilets to more than 500 families at the beginning of the disaster response program, however, the survivors still require more needs. They hope for a quick recovery; they need temporary houses. Fortunately, at the start of 2023, Habitat began the temporary housing program for the survivors of the Cianjur Earthquake that are expected to provide around 128 units and 26 individuals toilets by the upcoming July 2023.

We hope that the temporary housing program (Huntara) helps the survivor to live in a temporary place that is comfortable and secure while waiting for the government’s permanent housing development program in the upcoming one or two years. The temporary housing program is crucial considering the extreme weather, such as heavy rain and strong wind, that continuously causes damage to the emergency tents.

The upcoming temporary housing program is sustainable because even after the survivors receive the government’s permanent houses, the survivors can still make the temporary houses as warehouses or stalls.

There are many of our brothers and sisters who are still struggling to survive in Cianjur. If you are interested in joining the cause and helping those in need, you can donate through: Habitat Kemanusiaan Ind. Yay BCA 210 3002958

Apart from visiting Cianjur, I joined the Financial Institution Build Event in Babakan Madang, Bogor, by the following day. I’m grateful and amazed by the spirit of more than 30 financial and insurance institution leaders when building decent houses for low-income families. I hope similar events will be brought again in years to come since the leaders of institutions are not just the leading actors in the industry but also the ones who represent the change in a nation.

Best regards,


EN-ID Blog

Leaders of Financial Institutions Build Decent Houses in Babakan Madang, Bogor

Heavy rain all night did not stop the leaders of financial institutions from attending the site on Saturday morning, 18 March 2023, in Karang Tengah Village, Babakan Madang.          

That day, 30 leaders of 11 banking institutions, insurance, and securities companies became volunteers who did virtuous deeds by building houses for low-income residents in an event called Financial Institution Build 2023. Volunteers worked hand in hand to build 3 houses, enthusiastically building foundations and installing brick walls.

In Babakan Madang District, Bogor, like in several other areas around Greater Jakarta, thousands of families live in inadequate houses with inadequate building structures, poor toilet facilities, and poor access to clean water. “Physically, the condition of our house is unhealthy and unfit for habitation. The walls of the house are made of woven bamboo, the pillars are made of wood and an earthen floor,” said Zainal Abidin, one of the residents whose house was built that day by the volunteers. Zainal said that he and his family were rarely able to sleep well when it was raining heavily, especially when accompanied by strong winds. 

The floor was muddy because the roof leaked here and there, and I was afraid my house would collapse. Because my house is on a mountainside, so when a strong wind comes, the house collapses easily,” added the man who works as a farmer.

When it rains, apart from water getting into the house, animals such as rats, cockroaches, and even snakes have entered the house. So if it rains, the children will not be able to study, and we are all afraid that the roof will collapse because it has leaks here and there,” said Mr. Adeng, who also lives in Karang Tengah Village, whose house was also built that day.

Habitat Indonesia, which has been present since 2010 in Babakan Madang District, Bogor, has carried out various interventions through community development in the form of providing 970 decent houses, 12 public toilets, 309 family toilets, 13 access to clean water, 10 school renovations and 28 micro business stalls, including providing financial management and business management training. However, even though it has been more than 10 years since Habitat has carried out various programs to improve people’s welfare, the backlog issue (the gap between the need and the availability of decent housing) is still evident in Babakan Madang. “Most of the people here work as casual daily laborers, casual workers, or farmers whose income is only enough to meet their daily needs, definitely not enough to build decent houses,” said Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

They hardly dream of owning a decent house. People who live in a deplorable economic situation like this are in stark contrast to the construction of luxury houses with all the flashy amenities in the Sentul area, which is only a few kilometers from Babakan Madang here,” said Rene Indiarto Widjaja, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Habitat Indonesia in his remarks. “Why do we just stay silent, looking at the condition of our neighbors like this?” he challenged.

The Financial Institution Build 2023 activity invites leaders from various financial institutions, including banks, insurance, and securities companies, to use their influence not just as company leaders but also to influence the development of the communities around them.

I think this activity is very good. We, who live in big cities like Jakarta, are allowed to come to the village to do good for the people here. As someone who lives more fortunately, today I can give back to society,” said Martin, a volunteer from a well-known insurance company.

In my opinion, overall, today was a great experience for us. Hoeing, iron binding; those activities are new experience for me and have advantages. We can develop Indonesia by building our community,” added Michael, Martin’s twin brother, who is also a volunteer from the same insurance company.

Martin and Michael hope that the families they help have a better life in the future, “Hopefully, in the future they can have a good career and path, and their children can have a better life than their parents,” concluded Michael.

In this Financial Institution Build activity, I saw the extraordinary enthusiasm of the leaders. I hope Habitat can hold the same activity with more volunteers next year, so we can help more people to get decent houses.” Susanto closed.

Together we build Indonesia!

EN-ID Blog

In support of Habitat, Bank of India Indonesia Pledged Cash Donation

The handover ceremony of the cash donation was performed by Mr. Agung Jatmika Usmar Gumelar, the Corporate Planning and Product of Bank of India Indonesia, to Mr. Susanto, the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia. The ceremony was held at the event’s main shelter in Karang Tengah Village, Babakan Madang Subdistrict, Bogor Regency.

Bank of India Indonesia, Tbk (BOII) is a private national bank with a vast operational network in two of Indonesia’s biggest cities, Jakarta and Surabaya. The event was BOII’s first opportunity to gain knowledge, participate in Volunteer Program run by Habitat Indonesia, and contribute its Corporate Social Responsibility in 2023 to Habitat Indonesia.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is grateful for the attentive care and support shared by Bank of India Indonesia’s Board of directors and every staff who participated in this program. The cooperation offers significant assistance for Habitat Indonesia’s humanity ongoing programs and a positive impact on low-income families in Indonesia. Together, we build home, community, and hope.

Happy Ramadan Kareem 1444 H. Let’s welcome this glorious month with joy and peacefulness.

EN-ID Blog

Never Give Up

“I am grateful; it feels like the opportunity fell into my lap,” said Rika wholeheartedly when she was asked about her feelings after receiving the clean water access assistance from Habitat Indonesia.  

Rika Susanti is a housewife who lives in Sagulung Jaya, Batam. The challenging condition faced by Rika’s family forced them to live in a small, single-square-meter house. They didn’t have a toilet, clean water access, and even a kitchen. Fortunately, the house stood right beside her mother-in-law’s house, so whenever her family needed to fulfill their daily necessities, such as getting clean water, using the toilet, or cooking, she and her husband could use the facilities available within her in-law’s house. “We’re struggling with our financial condition,” said Rika.

However, she felt uneasy with her family; Rita’s story was not always smooth sailing; she persevered to survive. “It’s like living with our mother-in-law’s house; there would be a feeling of discontent, there were pros and cons.”, expressed the 41 years old woman. The primary issue Rika and her mother-in-law encountered was the leaking water pipe for their house’s water access. It caused an extra cost for their water bill every month. “The water pipe was a leak. We had to spend an extra cost on the water bill.”, explained Rika. Rika and their family had to spend IDR 200.000,- for six months. In addition, she had to pay IDR 50.000,- for the water bill too. So Rita had to spend IDR 250.000,- on the water bill. 

Her family has an unstable income since her husband could only work as a day laborer. Due to such a condition, there was a point where she couldn’t pay for her house’s water bill. “My mother-in-law is unemployed; my husband only has an unstable job. When it rains, he can’t go to work.”, said Rika. Either or, Rika and her husband had to work extra jobs to pay their bills. “As a wife, they rely on me. I work as a laborer to help my husband.” 

“Such is life; we have to make an effort for a better future.” that’s a hope that Rika always holds.

Never once had she imagined that her patience would come to fruition. Habitat and Caterpillar came to provide house and toilet assistance and clean water access for Rika and her family. “I am grateful; it feels like the opportunity fell into my lap.”, she said joyfully. Since she owns better clean water access, Rika is able to develop her business, “We get so much more blessings through our business. The clean water access helps us to process the ingredients for our food business. The water is hygienic.”, told Rika whose husband now works as a cilor seller. Rita feels unburdened to shower and use the toilet in her own house. “We are comfortable. It’s nice now.”, she added.

Rika doesn’t need to spend extra on her water bill since she owns her water meter. Finally, she can spare some of her income for saving every month. “After we receive the assistance, we can save some of our income from our jobs. After we have clean water access, I do my responsibility to help my husband to work as cilor seller. To Habitat and Caterpillar, we express our biggest gratitude. Without Habitat, we can not do anything. I hope that our business can run smoothly. If there is an extra blessing in the future, we hope to improve our house and take care of the clean water access given by Habitat.”, she closed.

EN-ID Blog

My Family is My Home

“It would be more difficult to clean the site if we didn’t have the kits. Previously, we didn’t have a proper set of kits. Only some tools were available, well, we could have used a hoe, but other people need it more than me.”, said Asep Tajudin, one of the survivors of the Cianjur earthquake who came from Cipakucau, Suka Jaya Village, when he asked about the RRK (Rubber Removal Kits) distributed by Habitat Indonesia.

As one of the steel company’s employees, it’s usual for Asep to work at the factory in the middle of the day. Suddenly Asep and his colleagues felt that the machine was moving heavily and the factory’s roof was trembling. “I got shocked, the ground was trembling heavily, and the steel construction was shaking.”, said Asep.  

He was still in shock when he received a call from his wife. “At that time, my wife called me. She gave me a video with our house already collapsed on the ground. My wife said there was an earthquake.”. Receiving the message, Asep headed home straightly. “I asked permission from my boss; then I went home immediately.”

Asep said he was grateful because his wife and children survived the quake. “It happened fast. First, my wife heard a sound, not knowing there would be an earthquake. Fortunately, my children were outside the house, so my wife could save them right before the house collapsed.”, said Asep.

Ever since childhood, Asep has lived in Suka Jaya Village. However, he had never encountered an earthquake as strong as November 21st, 2022. “I never encountered such an earthquake. Usually, there was only a mild tremor.”.

After surviving 1-2 days on the street, Asep and the other survivors started to set up emergency tents. “After 1-2 days, we build emergency tents. We struggled to get food supplies since the stocks inside our house were already gone due to the quake. On the second or the third day, we received help from the donators.”

Asep’s house was destroyed completely. “All is broken; there were only ruins.”. Asep hopes to rebuild his home immediately. Fortunately, he received a package of the ESK (Emergency Shelter Kits) from Habitat and CRS. The package contains a hoe, a shovel, a wheelbarrow, and other construction tools. Asep’s wife started to clean the remaining ruins on the site. “It would be more difficult to clean the site if we didn’t have the kits. Previously, we didn’t have a proper set of kits. Only some tools were available; we could have used a hoe, but other people need it more than me.”

Asep felt he received great help. “Alhamdulillah, I can use all the kits.”. In the future, Asep will use the kits for inventory. Asep’s spirit is unless. “What makes me keep fighting is that my wife and children survived the quake. It doesn’t matter if my house didn’t survive as long as my family stays alive.”

EN-ID Blog

One Amazon Web Services Indonesia Volunteering day

There were 20 people who participated in the One Amazon Web Services Indonesia Volunteering Day Event. The event was the first opportunity for many of our colleagues from Amazon Web Services to be directly involved in the community facilities development program with Habitat Indonesia. The piercing heat from the weather didn’t tire out the volunteers’ spirit and enthusiasm during the construction of the auxiliary clinic foundation, the garden fence painting, and the planting of the plants.

Mr. Margono, the head of Mulyasari Village, delivered an opening speech. In his remark, he introduced the area of Mulyasari Village and Cipule Lake, a popular leisure destination for the locals and known as a place for rowing sport. Then, the opening speech was carried on by Mr. Haris Izmee, AWS Asean Growth Market Director, and closed by Mr. Abraham Tulung, the General Manager of Habitat Indonesia.

Then, the women of the Local Family Welfare Development Organization led the “Warming Up” as a closing activity for the event’s opening session. They guided the exercise with a vibrant spirit that ignited an infectious enthusiasm among the volunteers.

Jokes and laughter flourished the event throughout the day. The volunteers collaboratively worked together during the foundation construction and the painting of the fence. They cooperated to do things they had never done before. The experience left a deep impression on each volunteer who participated in the event. Then, it was closed with a lunch together activity.

Hopefully, the One AWS Indonesia Volunteering Day event may inspire people to work together in building communities and a decent environment for our greater society.

EN-ID Blog

You are not only a leader but also who make their dreams come true!

After holding the CEO Build in Banyuwangi in 2022, this time Habitat for Humanity invites leaders from various financial corporations/institutions (banking & insurance) to do good, make dreams come true for families who can’t afford it, to have a decent home .

The activity, which is named Financial Institution Build 2023, will be held on March 18, 2023, in Babakan Madang, Bogor. On that day the leaders of the financial corporations/institutions will become volunteers who work hand in hand, rolling up their sleeves to build the homes of underserved families residents there. Building a decent house means building hope for a better life for every citizen.

If you want to take part in this activity, please contact our Registration Admin at WA number +62 821 1097 6297 or E-mail: [email protected]

Building Homes – Building Lives – Building Communities