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EN-ID Blog

Remarks by National Director

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia


May is a special month because in this month, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia turns 25 years old. I am grateful to God Almighty, Habitat Indonesia still exists to serve the community throughout its journey. I’d like to say Happy birthday to the entire extended family of Habitat Indonesia, starting from the staff, board, donors, volunteers, and all Habitaters wherever they are.

Habitat Indonesia’s birthday celebration this year is filled with various build activities, which are the ‘DNA’ of Habitat for Humanity around the world. It started with the Employees Build event, where all National Office staff, as well as Project Site Offices throughout Greater Jakarta worked hand in hand to paint people’s houses in Bojong Koneng, Sentul-Bogor, on 13 May 2022. Activities with the theme “Awake! Together We Build Indonesia” invites everyone to rise from adversity due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to rebuild Indonesia, to do good for others in need.

I am very impressed with this “Employee Build”. There, me and all the staff went to the field, became volunteers who passionately worked together to beautify and paint people’s houses. We are so happy to be able to do something good for others, after two years of ‘volunteering’ activities like this being restricted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

I was touched, when it turned out that the house I painted was the house that I also volunteered to build but with the Thunder Bird community back in 2019. The house is still standing strong, only the paint has faded with age. In between the activities, I still had time to chat with the home partner’s children, and I felt so proud to be a part of their life-changing experience.

I hope for the upcoming build activities such as Donors Build, CEO Build, Media Build, and others can be held as a series of activities to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Habitat Indonesia, which can involve students, youth, professionals, donors, communities, even the wider community to join in and do good for people in need in order to build a more prosperous Indonesia.

Happy birthday Habitat Indonesia. With the coming years, our spirit grows to light up Indonesia.

Sincerely Yours,


National Director

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

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EN-ID Blog

Innovation to Care

To show concern for one another, ElectroluxAttackCare collaborates with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia to provide facilities for the community to live clean and healthy lives, by building a water point in Mauk Village, Tangerang. The groundbreaking of the program was carried out on November 18, 2021.

#SahabatHabitat, according to water.org, there are still 18 million people who do not have access to clean water and 20 million people who are unable to have proper sanitation facilities. Tangerang itself is still one of the regions in Indonesia with high stunting cases, due to the inadequate availability of clean water and proper sanitation. This condition has encouraged Habitat Indonesia together with Electrolux and Attack to make social contributions through the construction of water points. It is hoped that this facility can help build public awareness about Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS), Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM), and GERMAS which was designed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

The Head of Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang, Suryadi appreciated the contribution of Habitat, Electrolux and Attack. He said that with the availability of clean water could encourage them to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle. “With the availability of clean water, of course I am optimistic that public health can improve. If public health improves, the standard and quality of life of the residents of Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang will improve as well”

EN-ID Blog

Habitat for Humanity Make A Commitment In The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Bali.

The National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Susanto and Andreas Hapsoro, Disaster Response Operations Specialist – Habitat For Humanity International as representatives of Habitat for Humanity International were present in Bali, Nusa Dua Convention Center, Badung 23-28 May 2022. The GPDRR (Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction) 7th opening ceremony was attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This year’s discussion focuses on mitigating world disasters due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the meeting that discussed world disaster mitigation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Habitat Indonesia, which has always contributed to disaster management in Indonesia, had the opportunity to present Habitat for Humanity’s commitment to contribute to achieving the goals of the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Commitment to take the following actions to support the implementation of the Sendai Framework through shelter and housing programs and advocacy as follows:

1. Address disaster risk reduction in all shelter, housing and settlement programs with an emphasis on the causal and underlying factors of disasters by promoting interventions that address exposure to hazards, reduce vulnerability of people and property, facilitate land cultivation and environmental management. Environment, preparedness for adverse events and promote adaptation to climate change.

2. Work closely with civil society organizations and local governments to build safer and more resilient communities, promote a culture of preparedness and an understanding that secure land tenure, affordable and resilient housing, clean water and sanitation are critical components of promoting disaster risk reduction.

3. Increase the internal capacity of local Habitat for Humanity-affiliated entities and partners to promote inclusion and serve vulnerable populations, with a strong emphasis on urban areas given exponential growth and high risk exposure.

4. Support disaster risk reduction and resilience building as national and local priorities, contribute to strong governance and participation of vulnerable populations in decision-making processes by promoting awareness of safe housing and settlements, strengthening local leadership and promoting gender balance.

The event was attended by representatives from more than 185 countries. This Global Platform is expected to encourage more cooperation in disaster risk reduction, and global commitment to sustainable resilience from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, in accordance with the 2015-2030 Sendai Disaster Risk Reduction Framework.

EN-ID Blog

Habitat Indonesia Collaborates with Amazon Web Services

Jakarta, May 25, 2022 – Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, a non-profit organization that focuses on providing the decent house to the low-income family, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) symbolically handed over a joint project on development improvement programs in Karawang to the regency governments in a ceremony in Karawang.  

The program took one-year ­– from March 2021 to March 2022 – to be completed. Habitat collaborated with AWS to carry out village development programs in Karawang, including: 

  • Construction of one community center and distribution of six packages of supporting facilities to local youth groups.
  • Construction of three public toilets, seven school toilets, 36 handwashing facilities, three units of clean water facilities, and the distribution of 1,054 hygiene kit packages and nine units of oxygen concentrators to public health services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Providing leadership training to young people and vocational training in sewing and cooking for women.
  • Waste management training for young people through the construction of five waste management projects and the construction of one waste handling facility.

More than 15,000 people benefitted from the program, which was carried out in eight villages. The six villages are located in Kutamekar, Kutapohaci, Mulyasari, Margakarya, Margamulya, and Wanakerta.  

Susanto, National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, said, “We are very proud to partner with AWS to implement their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. This is our third collaboration with AWS. We have previously collaborated on a disaster relief program in Palu and on distributing necessities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Habitat Indonesia always strives to uphold its professionalism and integrity so that every partner enjoys collaborating with us so that we can assist more low-income families,” said Susanto.

Susanto said, “Habitat always puts the aspirations, needs, potentials, and capabilities of the local community first, so that the community programs can be carried out effectively, efficiently, and sustainably” We always involve the community. It can change their mindset and help them understand that aid does not always mean money but also physical and non-physical programs which are more useful in the long term. I also believe that community involvement fosters a sense of ownership so that the community is more concerned about maintaining any given program,” He explained.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia continues to create a prosperous and sustainable life for Indonesia’s low-income families. Habitat’s programs support the government’s efforts in achieving four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG), which include improving the quality of education, more access to clean water and sanitation, economic growth and work opportunities, and improving sustainable communities and cities.

Siti Arfina, who attended the vocational sewing training, said,” “I am very happy with this sewing training. I heard that some German companies here wanted to recruit people who are good at sewing. I have a set of marketable skills to offer by attending the sewing training. Even if I am not accepted at any of these companies, I have the skill to rely on. I can open my own sewing business at home, which is good enough to provide the family with the income”

The collaboration between Habitat for Humanity Indonesia and AWS aims to spark significant changes in the near future to help low-income families lead better lives.

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EN-ID Blog

Habitat Indonesia Together with Standard Chartered Doing Roadside Stall Painting in Cimandala Village

On Saturday, 23rd of April 2022, representatives of Habitat Indonesia together with twelve Standard Chartered employees, went for a field visit to Cimandala village, Karang Tengah Village, Bogor Regency. The visit aimed to paint several stalls owned by local residents and provide financial management training.

Twelve Standard Chartered employees were divided into two groups. Nine people painted houses while the remaining three gave financial management training. There were about twenty shop owners who participated in the activity.

A small incident occurred when the car carrying Habitat Indonesia and Standart Chartered team emitted smoke because it was forced to climb a steep road, however, that episode did not dampen the team’s enthusiasm to keep doing build activities.

This build activity is Habitat Indonesia’s first volunteer activity after being suspended for two years since the pandemic. The build activities, of course, carried out with strict health protocols.

Kartini Habitat (2)
EN-ID Blog

OHM Provides Basic Food Assistance for Tangerang Residents

Omega Hotel Management (OHM) is the flagship operator of Alfaland Group spreads kindness in the holy month of Ramadan 1443 H by organizing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

The CSR program is a series of OHM Road to 9th Anniversary events by providing 100 food packages held in Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang.

Director of Operations OHM Aswin Drajat said, “OHM as a hotel operator is entering its 9th year, which is a special number that we hope will also present various special activities for all hotel guests, business partners, and the community around us.

“Praise the Lord, in this holy month of Ramadan, OHM has provided 100 food packages for the residents of this village, as a form of friendship which is expected not to stop here,” said OHM Director of Operations Aswin Drajat, in a written statement, Thursday. (28/4/2022)

Aswin said OHM’s collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia this year is more special through company CSR activities which differ from many years before. Data from Habitat for Humanity Indonesia shows that there are still many residents in Kedung Dalem Village who need community assistance, including sanitation needs with clean and proper toilets.

“OHM is engaged in the hospitality industry and always makes cleanliness the most important part of its services. Therefore, we feel called to collaborate with Habitat for Humanity to assist in constructing proper and clean toilet facilities in the homes of residents who currently still use latrines a lot for defecation and unsanitary daily sanitation activities,” said Aswin.

Alfaland Group President Director Hanto Djoko Susanto added, “As a company serving for Indonesia for 23 years, Alfaland Group is committed to achieving the company’s vision and mission in providing a better life and creating environmentally-friendly programs, and providing unforgettable customer experiences.

The toilet development program targeted by Alfaland Group Hospitality, namely OHM, is one of the steps to pursue the existing vision and mission and our contribution to the community.

To achieve the CSR target of building a toilet in Kedung Dalem Village, Mauk, Tangerang, OHM invites all employees, customers, business units, and business partners to raise donations actively from May to the end of September 2022.

Jeany Febriani, Corporate PR & Marcomm Manager of OHM, expressed his gratitude to all committees and partners who supported OHM’s CSR program, “On behalf of the management of Alfaland Group, including OHM, we thank you for all kinds of assistance and support from various parties who support the CSR program. This OHM,” he said.

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EN-ID Blog

Inaugurated by the Mayor of Cilegon, Graha Posco Community Learning Center, A Gift for the Cilegon Community

Mayor of Cilegon, Helldy Agustian, accompanied by President Director of Krakatau Posco Kim Kwang Moo, inaugurated the Graha Posco Community Learning Center in Kubangsari Village Ciwandan District, Thursday, April 28, 2022.

The construction of this community learning center building is expected to fulfil the needs of the Cilegon City community, especially in terms of education, training, and professional skills to support economic independence towards a new, modern, and dignified Cilegon City.

The Mayor of Cilegon, Helldy Agustian, accompanied by the President Director of Krakatau Posco, Kim Kwang Moo, witnessed by Habitat Indonesia team and local residents, cut the ribbon and signed an inscription as the inauguration marked.

Habitat Indonesia and Posco provided a new building to advance education and skills training for residents to improve the social, economic, health, and educational lives of Cilegon residents. As a shareholder of Krakatau Posco, Posco partnered with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia to hold a Holistic Community Development program, Posco Steel Village.

The program is part of constructing various public facilities, such as settlements, education facilities, and support facilities. Habitat Indonesia began the construction three years ago and completed it in April 2022.

These developments include 25 new decent houses, 30 family toilets, three schools, 1 waste bank, 1 Graha Posco Community Learning Center Building, waste management training, and income generation training.

Habitat Indonesia built the facilities after carrying out a community-based approach and local government to ensure that assistance is delivered effectively and efficiently. This community development program successfully reached 550 people in Cilegon City who came from 2 sub-districts, namely Citangkil and Ciwandan, and three sub-districts, namely Samangraya, Tegalratu, and Kubangsari.

Cilegon Mayor Helldy Agustian appreciated the assistance from Krakatau Posco, which was in line with the Cilegon City Government’s program, especially in the field of education. Helly also expressed his hope to push improvement in development through togetherness in a conducive atmosphere.

“Krakatau Posco has completed several programs to support and improve the competence and skills of the young generation of Cilegon to compete in the labor market. With the construction of this Community Learning Center, it is hoped that the community will be able to maximize the existing functions and facilities and actively participate in the programs that are given properly, consistently so that the benefits can continue to be felt on an on going basis for several generations to come,” he said.

At the same time, President Director of Krakatau Posco, Kim Kwang Moo, expressed his gratitude to all parties who cooperated. The Steel Village project, which is part of the implementation of the Corporate Citizenship philosophy with the spirit of “With Posco,” can run well and is expected to bring benefits to the citizens of Cilegon City in a sustainable manner.

“This building is expected to fulfill its strategic role to make changes in people’s behavior to support sustainable development in Cilegon City. In the future, various trainings and community empowerment programs will be held here that are useful to face socio-economic challenges,” he added.

Meanwhile, the National Director of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Susanto also expressed his gratitude to Krakatau Posco for entrusting Habitat as a partner in implementing the program.

“Thank you, Krakatau Posco, for entrusting Habitat Indonesia as a partner in implementing the program. Habitat is very open to collaborating with various parties to continue to create a prosperous life for families in need,” he said.

Kartini Habitat
EN-ID Blog

Kartini’s day

Commemorating Kartini Day and the 25th anniversary of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Habitat would like to appreciate “the Kartinis” who have taken part, given their hearts and strive to support our mission to provide decent housing for low-income families in Indonesia.

Habitat Updates team spoke with three amazing women at Habitat Indonesia who have been at least working for five years or more there. They are Rahayu, an office girl; Lestari, a finance officer; and Lucy, HRD manager.

Rahayu, who is familiarly called Bu Yayuk, said that she has been working at Habitat for more than ten years. Bu Yayuk works because she wants to support her husband, whose occupation is an online motorcycle taxi driver. “You know how much a driver’s income is, while I have two children who must go to school. One at the junior high school and another at the university,” told Bu Yayuk. Bu Yayuk has a very high spirit. Even though she needs to be at the office the earliest before other employees arrive, to make sure the room is clean and tidy, Bu Yayuk doesn’t feel tired and burdened because she knows what and who she is doing all this for. “Even though my job is only as an office girl, I know that what I do is beneficial for me and supports Habitat’s mission. If the room is clean, the employees will feel comfortable working. If donors come, they will be happy too. If the donors are happy, perhaps they will want to donate again, right? hehe”, said Bu Yayuk.

A few weeks ago, Habitat Updates team received the happy news that Bu Yayuk’s daughter had graduated from a state university and has been accepted to work in one of the leading State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Indonesia. “I am so glad. My daughter’s success today cannot be separated from Habitat’s role in allowing me to work so that I can send my children to college. My daughter got accepted at SOE today is the most rewarding gift for me.”

Like Bu Yayuk, Lestari and Lucy also have the same struggle. Even though they had to leave early in the morning because of the long distance between their homes and offices, they did not complain. Although they have to sit on crammed train, they use their time for quality things. “While riding the MRT, I listen to the radio, so I can know the current news. So no time is wasted,” said Lucy.

Lestari and Lucy know Habitat as a humanitarian organization that has helped many low-income communities to get decent housing. They are proud to be able to contribute to this great mission. “I believe that God’s plan is for me to work here. I am grateful that working at Habitat is not only for myself but to help the many people out there”, said Lestari.

Bu Yayuk, Lestari, and Lucy are determined to be enthusiastic about continuing their work and commitment in Habitat Indonesia “Even though we are women, we must also be like men. Work and contribute not only for the family but even more so for the nation,” said Lucy.

On this special day, Lestari encourages women to stay strong and don’t give up easily these days. “Happy Kartini Day to all the great women in this nation. Stay strong and have the passion for making an impact for people in need,” she concluded.

EN-ID Blog

Habitat Held Charity Fashion Show to Prevent Stunting

Until today, many regions in Indonesia still face the problem of stunting in children caused by poor nutrition or repeated infections. Children who suffer from stunting cannot grow and develop normally. The Asian Development Bank in 2020 reported that the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia was the second highest in Southeast Asia, reaching 36% or 8.2 million children. The Tangerang District Health Office in 2021 stated that there were more than 4,000 children under five years old (aged 0-59 months) in Tangerang District suffering from stunting, which caused by poor sanitation, availability of clean water and low public awareness for hygiene living. This condition threatens us to lose a healthy generation.

To prevent children stunting in Mauk Tangerang, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia in collaboration with Alleira Batik and The Sultan Hotel & Residence Jakarta held a Charity Fashion Show on March 23, 2022 at 15.00-17.00 WIB at Kudus Hall, The Sultan Hotel & Residence Jakarta. The fashion show, entitled “Fashion for Hope”, presented the spouses of ambassadors from friendly countries, members of the Women International Club, and socialites as fashion models featuring elegant batik clothing from the Alleira collection. Apart from enjoying the stunning appearances of the models on the runway, guests also had the opportunity to purchase Batik Alleira collection, where a portion of the sales proceeds will be used to build toilets and access to clean water in Mauk, Tangerang to prevent stunting there.

Not only can the Charity Fashion Show be enjoyed live by the invited guests present at the Kudus Hall, but the public can also enjoy the event which was broadcast live on Vidio. It is hoped that after this event is held, Indonesian batik lovers can contribute to supporting stunting prevention in Mauk, Tangerang by purchasing Alleira products which are also offered through e-catalog until April 20, 2022. This event is also expected to attract people’s love for batik which in 2009 It has been listed as a heritage of humanity by UNESCO. It is an ancestral cultural heritage that we should preserve.

EN-ID Blog

One Homeland, One Nation, Rebuild NTT

“The heavy downpour that night caused flash flooding. I saw my things from the kitchen got washed away. My husband said: “leave” but I didn’t know where to run to. Because I was afraid ….”.

The people of East Nusa Tenggara still cry and feel deep sorrow due to the tropical cyclone that hit and destroyed their lives some time ago.

Quoted from BNPB data as of April 25, 2021. The tropical cyclone Seroja fatalities are 182 deaths, 184 injured, 54,000 houses damaged and 474,492 people affected by this disaster. The conditions.

in the midst of a pandemic add to the gravity of the already bad situation because evacuees live in refugee camps or houses with inadequate facilities that can threaten their physical and mental health.

After a long journey, the Habitat for Humanity Indonesia team arrived at Waiburak and Waiwerang village in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara province (NTT). Some residents said that the flood that hit them was so frightening.

“The heavy downpour that night caused flash flooding. I saw my things from the kitchen got washed away. My husband said: “leave” but I didn’t know where to run to. Because I was afraid to go to the beach, I ran to the mountains. I had surrendered if that was my end. After a while, I heard everyone started screaming looking for their separated families. At last, we looked for a safe place. I am sad that many people in this village have no place to live anymore.” Said Hasna, a Waiburak resident.

Andreas’ family is one of hundreds of other families who took refuge in huts in the middle of the plantation fields which are usually used to store their crops. It is just a small hut without walls and rooms. Three families live in a 2×2 meter hut without electricity, access to clean water and bathroom. Andreas’ family consists of 12 people and 8 of them are children aged 4 – 12 years.

For families in NTT who are affected by the disaster due to Tropical Cyclone Seroja, the life situation is still stressful and makes them suffer because they have to live in refugee camps or to their relatives’ homes, some of which even have more than 3 different families living in one house. This can create new problems because the living conditions are not ideal.

Thanks to the caring action of Habitat Friends, there are 121 families in Amakaka village, Kec. Lembata NTT can use the Emergency Shelter Kit, making it easier for them to prepare huts as their place of refuge safer and more comfortable while waiting for decent shelter for them.

Shelter is not just a building but a process of restoration for each family after what they have gone through. Together with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Habitat Friends are invited to take part in real actions to rebuild NTT.