World Water Day 2024: Water for Peace
In commemoration of World Water Day, on March 22, 2024, under the theme “Water for Peace,” the world’s attention is focused on the urgency to ensure that every individual has equal and adequate access to clean water, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 6.
Through the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Access program, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is committed to addressing this clean water crisis by constructing clean water access facilities in various areas such as Tangerang Regency, Bogor, Karawang, and Gresik, thereby assisting thousands of residents in gaining equal access to clean water.
In addressing the challenge of this clean water crisis, Habitat Indonesia not only constructs infrastructure but also organizes a series of activities to commemorate World Water Day. On March 2, 2024, Habitat Indonesia held the “Gerakan 100 Biopori” in Kadumanggu Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency. This event was attended by various stakeholders, including representatives from Habitat Indonesia, IUWASH Tangguh, village and district governments, as well as local residents. This movement is not just about raising awareness but also seeking innovative solutions. Through biopores, the soil can more effectively absorb rainwater, reduce waterlogging, and ultimately help reduce the risk of water resource conflicts, which are key to achieving peace within communities.

Meanwhile, on March 23, 2024, Habitat Indonesia continued its action by organizing a tree planting program in Karang Tengah Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency. The event was attended by 150 residents who participated in planting avocado tree seedlings at 100 points scattered in forest areas and residential environments. More than just planting avocado tree seedlings, this action aims to preserve water availability by improving soil quality and reducing erosion. Additionally, tree planting also has a positive impact on creating a healthy and comfortable environment for the community.
Through the continuity between infrastructure programs and educational and environmental activities, Habitat Indonesia not only improves access to clean water but also builds awareness of the importance of environmental conservation for peace. Thus, every small step taken in preserving water resources can have a significant impact on promoting peace in society and for future generations.