Job Purpose
- Managing all project staff in the field.
- Managing project to accomplish its goal such as project, human resources and equipment assets
Main duties and responsibilities:
- Contributing to project detail planning in specific mapping need, appropriate solution, and required resource (budget, time, staff) - include Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) & Detailed Budget.
- Interpret and explain plans to all staff in the project.
- Monitor and evaluate projects activities and determine cost effectiveness of project based on approved proposal & compliance with standards (building codes, finance manual, audit).
- Monitor all expenses of the Project and propose updated program interventions as needed.
- Inspect and review projects to monitor compliance with standards (building codes, finance manual, audit) policies.
- Coordinating daily activity in project including office requirements, daily staff activities, etc.
- Collaborate with related departments in terms of Fundraising dan Volunteer in their project location.
- Making monthly reports to the supervisor related to the development of projects handled.
- Contributing to preparation project report (mid, final, specific) prepared by Program Officer unit.
- Analyzing and making recommendations to supervisor for developing project areas in any aspect (new area, staffing, advocacy to government & related stakeholders, potential donor, etc.).
- Provide support to the Strategic Alliance Team and HFHI National Office.
- To select responsible implementing partners.
- Provide Training design needed for the community.
- Selected as a Procurement Committee.
- Selected as a Rapid Response Team Member.
- Selected as volunteer team member outside/other project areas.
- As a Feedback and Response Mechanism focal point in their project area.
- Other duties consistent with the overall focus of HFHI as assigned by the supervisor
- Perform any other duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor
- Understand the vision, mission, & values of Habitat for Humanity and commit to practice it in their daily work.
- Bachelor’s degree in related fields, graduated from Technical, Social or Management studies is a plus.
- Exposure and direct experience in NGO, especially working in the field.
- Have at least 2 years' leadership experience.
- Good communication and reporting skill.
- Ability to work as a team.
- Have high value of self-motivation and be a rapid learner to develop understanding for HFH Indonesia project operation.
- Basic knowledge in Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
- Basic oral and written communication skills in English and good working knowledge of local language.
- Strong spiritual foundation, servanthood and good human relations at all levels.
- NGO experience is an asset
- Good English in written and conversation
- Domicile in NTT, Sabu Island
We encourage people of varied races, ethnicities, religions, ages, genders, and disabilities, to work with us.
We also require that all staff take seriously their ethical responsibilities to safeguarding our intended beneficiaries, their communities (especially children), and all those with whom we work.
Serious and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications with a cover letter briefly explaining how your experience is relevant to this position.
Latest 05 December 2024, (Only short-listed candidates will be notified).
Job Features
Job Purpose Main duties and responsibilities: Requirement We encourage people of varied races, ethnicities, religions, ages, genders, and disabilities, to work with us. We also require that all staff ...
Tujuan Jabatan:
Mensosialisasikan program HFH kepada kelompok sasaran; memberdayakan masyarakat kelompok sasaran untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan di wilayahnya secara holistik terutama yang terkait dengan pembangunan, pembangunan infrastruktur; dan/atau penanganan perumahan sesuai visi dan misi organisasi.
Uraian Pekerjaan
- Membuat konstruksi bangunan, mengawasi pekerjaan tukang dan kontraktor, memeriksa material, dan membuat RAB serta timeline.
- Melakukan sosialisasi program Habitat Indonesia di masyarakat sasaran.
- Memberdayakan komite lokal dan anggota masyarakat untuk mengadvokasi pendampingan, pelatihan, dan pemberdayaan.
- Memberikan pelatihan konstruksi dasar yang dirancang untuk masyarakat.
- Membuat laporan proyek.
- Bekerja sama dengan Community Organizer untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dalam pembuatan konstruksi, pembangunan infrastruktur, dan penanggulangan bencana.
- Mendesain proyek untuk mengatasi masalah yang berkaitan dengan konstruksi maupun infrastruktur di lokasi kerja.
- Memastikan keselamatan kerja bagi semua pekerja dan relawan pada saat membangun bangunan.
- Tugas lain yang konsisten dengan fokus keseluruhan HFHI sebagaimana ditugaskan oleh supervisor.
- Pendidikan Sarjana jurusan teknik sipil/arsitektur dengan pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang konstruksi bangunan rumah dan akses air bersih juga sanitasi (freshgraduate boleh melamar)
- Memiliki keterampilan dalam menggunakan program CAD atau perangkat lunak program lain yang terkait dengan desain/konstruksi.
- Memiliki pengetahuan dalam aspek konstruksi rumah sederhana secara menyeluruh.
- Mampu bekerja secara tim efektif dan mandiri.
- Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik untuk semua tingkatan.
- Memiliki keterampilan kepemimpinan yang demokratis dan tegas.
- Memiliki komitmen untuk mengamalkan prinsip-prinsip HFH.
- Memiliki integritas dan kejujuran yang tinggi.
- Domisili di Pulau Sabu/Sawu - NTT
Kandidat yang serius dan tertarik silakan untuk mengirimkan CV dan resume dengan surat lamaran yang menjelaskan secara singkat bagaimana pengalaman Anda relevan dengan posisi ini
Paling lambat 05 Desember 2024
Job Features
Tujuan Jabatan: Mensosialisasikan program HFH kepada kelompok sasaran; memberdayakan masyarakat kelompok sasaran untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan di wilayahnya secara holistik terutama yang terkait deng...
Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Finance Officer – NTT to secure fundings that will support the sustainability of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s projects.
Key Responsibility:
1. Receiving transactions from both purchasing staff and staff programs, both submitting advance payments, payments to vendors, reimbursement of costs and making RFPs and payment vouchers
2. Make monthly reports (Project Area accounts, such as Advance, Prepaid, Merchandise and Construction Inventory (GIK), Taxes) to be sent to NO (BS account specifically for project areas)
3. Make updates and reports on donors to the PC related to the absorption of funds and provide input, and coordinate with Finance NO for the application of funds (monitoring the project budget)
4. Update receipts and expenditure of merchandise, assets, and asset maintenance
5. Coordination with Finance NO related to auditor findings
6. Update statistics
7. Monitoring petty cash
8. Create acceptance vouchers (RV) and necessary correction journals.
9. Monitoring to the site if needed
10. Making cash flow or detailed budget per activity from project funds that have been received and will be implemented.
11. Update contracts for part timer staff in Batam.
12. Make monthly NO bank accounts and update to finance for transactions that have not been recorded.
13. Make donor reports according to the division of each finance and send them to the donor or PIC of the project and finance as well as coordination regarding transaction recording (if needed).
14. Review partnership transactions and communicate if there are complete documents and update financial reports.
Job Requirements:
1. Accounting Degree
2. Excel skills
3. SUN system
4. Excellent communication skills, including the ability to write and speak clearly and effectively, and to listen, and an unusual capacity to engage, inspire and persuade.
5. Domicile in NTT (Kupang)
Serious and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications with a cover letter briefly explaining how your experience is relevant to this position.
Female and person living with disabilities are encouraged to reply.
Job Features
Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Finance Officer – NTT to secure fundings that will support the sustainability of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s projects. Key Responsibility: 1. R...
Job Purpose
Melakukan sosialisasi program-program HFHI pada kelompok sasaran dengan cara membangun dan memelihara hubungan baik dengan keluarga mitra, pemimpin komunitas dan pemerintah setempat dan memberikan pelayanan yang baik untuk mendukung perencanaan dan keberhasilan proyek dari aspek sosial masyarakat.
Job Description
- Mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data kebutuhan masyarakat dengan menggunakan data primer/sekunder yang tersedia sebagai acuan dalam penyusunan program di wilayah kerja (Desa, Kecamatan, Kabupaten/Kota, Provinsi – sesuai penugasan) serta rekomendasi program yang relevan dengan fokus Habitat.
- Melakukan pemetaan pemangku kepentingan yang dapat bekerja sama untuk pelaksanaan program di wilayah kerja serta melakukan upaya pengembangan advokasi kemitraan formal (MOU, kolaborasi program, dll).
- Melakukan pengumpulan data khusus yang diminta oleh Koordinator Program, Program Officer dan/atau pihak lain untuk kebutuhan penyusunan proposal, laporan, dll.
- Melaksanakan 8 langkah Pengembangan Perumahan Berbasis Masyarakat atau prosedur lain yang disebutkan dalam proposal proyek yang disetujui.
- Membuat dan mengumpulkan dokumen sebagai bukti pelaksanaan semua tahapan proyek dalam berbagai bentuk yang disebutkan dalam proposal, seperti foto kegiatan, laporan pelatihan, absensi kegiatan, Profil Pemilik Rumah, Testimoni Pemilik Rumah, dll.
- Mendorong partisipasi masyarakat aktif selama pelaksanaan program dalam berbagai bentuk, termasuk keterlibatan dalam komite pembangunan, pemilik rumah mandiri dalam pelaksanaan program yang diterima, dll.
- Bekerja sama dengan Construction Supervisor untuk bisa melaksanakan program sesuai dengan target dan kebutuhan masyarakat (community).
- Melaksanakan kegiatan proyek yang efektif dan efisien sesuai dengan Rencana Pelaksanaan Terperinci (DIP) dan Anggaran Terperinci yang telah diarahkan oleh Koordinator Program.
- Memberikan training kepada masyarakat (community) terkait lingkungan, kesehatan dan beberapa hal yang terkait dengan program Habitat.
- Memonitor dan mengawasi pelaksanaan Mekanisme Umpan Balik dan Pengamanan selama pelaksanaan proyek.
- Merencanakan dan melaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan dan kegiatan non-konstruksi lainnya dalam proyek dengan mengutamakan kerja sama dengan OPD Teknis terkait dari Pemerintah Daerah.
Job Requirement
- D3/S1 segala jurusan; lebih disukai latar belakang ilmu sosial atau ekonomi.
- Minimal 2 tahun memiliki pengalaman berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat berpenghasilan minim.
- Memiliki pengetahuan dan kemampuan manajemen dasar dan manajemen proyek
- Memiliki pemahaman dasar mengenai Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, manajemen operasional dan pembuatan laporan
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan pemetaan kebutuhan masyarakat dan merencanakan kegiatan/program yang dibutuhkan.
- Memiliki komunikasi dan interpersonal skill yang baik.
- Memiliki keterampilan berorganisasi yang baik, adaptasi, dan komunikasi yang baik dengan pihak-pihak dari berbagai latar belakang.
- Fleksibel dan adaptif.
- Menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai dasar program kemanusiaan dan bersedia berkomitmen pada motivasi dan nilai-nilai HFHI.
- Jujur, teliti dan berintegritas.
- Mampu bekerja secara individu dan tim.
- Minimal terampil dalam menggunakan MS Office, Word, Excel, dan Power Point.
- Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (pasif).
- Domisili di Pulau Sabu - NTT
Kandidat yang serius dan tertarik silakan untuk mengirimkan CV dan resume dengan surat lamaran yang menjelaskan secara singkat bagaimana pengalaman Anda.
Paling lambat 05 Desember 2024, Hanya kandidat yang terpilih yang akan kami hubungi.
Job Features
Job Purpose Melakukan sosialisasi program-program HFHI pada kelompok sasaran dengan cara membangun dan memelihara hubungan baik dengan keluarga mitra, pemimpin komunitas dan pemerintah setempat dan me...
Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Procurement Officer is responsible to support Construction Department with the construction material based on the request either quantity, quality and specification. His/her will also ensure the material quality from the supplier/vendor according to the requested specification and supervise Logistic officer and/or warehouseman that maintain the purchased material and store it in the warehouse if any.
Job Description:
a. Identifying and accreditation of potential vendors
b. Collects quotes and bids as necessary
c. Purchase goods and services as required by the project
d. Checks on quality of procured goods and services (including compliance to the specifications listed)
e. Liaise with Habitat vendors
f. Gathers and checks procurement documents prior to submission to Finance
g. Monitoring material delivery from the supplier
h. Maintain safekeeping of materials, equipment and tools
Job Requirements
1. Minimum Diploma degree (preferable in civil engineering)
2. Minimum has 1 years of experience in Procurement and Logistics work in Construction Field.
3. Able to operate computer Microsoft Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint.
4. Experience working in the humanitarian sector is preferred.
5. Have a license driver (SIM A)
6. Domicile in NTT (Kupang)
Job Features
Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Procurement Officer is responsible to support Construction Department with the construction material based on the request either quantity, quality and s...
Construction Supervisor
Main Duty and Responsibilities:
1. Work with Project Coordinator to develop build plans that meets the needs of the homeowner, fit within budgeted resources, and meet environmental standards.
2. Collaborate with the Community Organizer to evaluate condition of beneficiaries’ houses.
3. Ensure and monitoring building materials to the required standards
4. Supervise construction workers and monitoring activities to ensure timely and accurate project completion
5. Provide basic construction training for community and construction workers
6. Socialization to community according the decent and safe house
7. Supervise all on-site construction volunteers and other workers with strong emphasis on safety and respect
8. Provide hands-on building support and expertise
9. Make project report progress
10. Design and calculating Budget plan for construction houses
11. Provide construction design (technical drawing, construction specification, bill of quantity, time schedule)
1. Bachelor’s degree from Civil Engineering or Architecture
2. At least 1-year related experience or fresh graduated are welcome
3. Team player
4. Good communication and reporting skills
5. Having knowledge in AutoCAD, Sketchup program at intermediate level
6. Basic oral and written in English
7. Strong servanthood and good human relations at all levels
8. High level of integrity and honesty
9. Experience in NGO is an asset
10. Preferably domicile in Kab. Bogor
Habitat for Humanity Indonesia encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability, all recruitment practices and procedures reflect Habitat for Humanity commitment to protection of children and vulnerable adult from abuse.
Job Features
Main Duty and Responsibilities: 1. Work with Project Coordinator to develop build plans that meets the needs of the homeowner, fit within budgeted resources, and meet environmental standards. 2. Colla...