
1. Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan: 

Spesialis Advokasi akan bertanggung jawab atas beberapa tugas utama, yaitu:

  • Advokasi: Bersama dengan Senior Spesialis GRAP (Government Relation Advocay Partnership) mengembangkan dan melaksanakan strategi advokasi dalam mengintegrasikan pelatihan SKK ke dalam program pemerintah melalui BLK.
  • Koordinasi: Bersama dengan Senior Spesialis GRAP mengelola komunikasi dan koordinasi antara departemen internal, serta dengan mitra eksternal seperti pemerintah, asosiasi industri, dan institusi pendidikan.
  • Monitoring dan Evaluasi: Memantau dan mengevaluasi efektivitas program sertifikasi dan koordinasi, serta membuat laporan kemajuan.

2. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

Semua tugas dan tanggung jawab adalah untuk mendukung dan mensuport Senior Specialist GRAP dan BMZ team dalam proses advokasi untuk dalam mengintegrasikan program pelatihan SKK ke dalam program melalui BLK.

A. Pengembangan Strategi Advokasi:

  • Membantu penyusunan strategi advokasi secara khusus dalam mengintegrasikan program pelatihan SKK ke dalam program melalui BLK.
  • Membantu dalam pengembangan materi kampanye dan alat bantu advokasi.
  • Bersama dengan Senior Specialist GRAP dan Project Manager menyusun perencanaan mengintegrasikan program pelatihan SKK ke dalam program melalui BLK.

B. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Advokasi:

  • Bersama dengan Senior Specialist GRAP melakukan lobi dan negosiasi dengan pembuat kebijakan dalam mengintegrasikan program pelatihan SKK ke dalam program melalui BLK.
  • Bersama dengan Senior Specialist GRAP mengorganisir pertemuan, dan rangkaian FGD.
  • Bersama dengan Senior Specialist GRAP menjalin hubungan dengan media untuk mempromosikan pentingnya sertifikasi kompetensi kerja.

C. Koordinasi Internal dan Eksternal:

  • Menyelaraskan kegiatan antara berbagai departemen dalam organisasi mengintegrasikan program pelatihan SKK ke dalam program melalui BLK.
  • Bersama dengan Senior Specialist GRAP menjalin kerjasama dengan mitra eksternal untuk memperkuat program sertifikasi.
  • Bersama dengan Senior Specialist GRAP mengadakan rapat koordinasi rutin untuk memastikan sinergi dan kolaborasi antara pemangku kepentingan.

D. Monitoring dan Evaluasi:

  • Menyusun laporan mingguan bagi kemajuan, tantangan, hambatan serta strategi dalam proses advokasi.

3. Kualifikasi

  • Pendidikan minimal S1 di bidang, ilmu sosial, politik, komunikasi, teknik sipil/arsitektur, PWK, manajemen konstruksi atau bidang terkait.
  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bidang advokasi, koordinasi, pelatihan, dan manajemen proyek konstruksi.
  • Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan.
  • Kemampuan analitis dan pemecahan masalah yang kuat.
  • Memiliki kemampuan dalam bidang penelitian kualitatif, kuantitatif di lingkup social dan hukum.
  • Kemampuan bekerja dalam tim dan menjalin hubungan kerja yang baik dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan, secara khusus Pemerintah Kabupaten Tangerang, Kota Tangerang dan Provinsi Banten, serta para pemangku kepentingan lainnya yang terkait dengan jasa konstruksi.
  • Memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat KAK/TOR, penyusunan budget dan penyusunan laporan.

4. Waktu dan Lokasi Kerja

  • Durasi Kontrak: 9 bulan dengan kemungkinan perpanjangan.
  • Lokasi Kerja: Kantor National Habitat Indonesia, Kabupaten Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, dan Provinsi Banten

Kami mendorong orang-orang dari berbagai latar belakang, usia, jenis kelamin, dan disabilitas, untuk bekerja bersama kami. Kami juga mewajibkan semua staf untuk
menjalankan tanggung jawab etis mereka dengan serius untuk melindungi penerima manfaat, komunitas (terutama anak-anak dan kaum rentan), dan semua orang yang bekerja dengan

Lamaran paling lambat diterima tidak lebih dari tanggal 31 Oktober 2024. Hanya kandidat yang terpilih yang akan kami hubungi.

1. Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan:  Spesialis Advokasi akan bertanggung jawab atas beberapa tugas utama, yaitu: 2. Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Semua tugas dan tanggung jawab adalah untuk mendukung dan mensupor...

Project site NTT
Posted 1 bulan ago

Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Finance Officer – NTT to secure fundings that will support the sustainability of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s projects.

Key Responsibility:

1. Receiving transactions from both purchasing staff and staff programs, both submitting advance payments, payments to vendors, reimbursement of costs and making RFPs and payment vouchers

2. Make monthly reports (Project Area accounts, such as Advance, Prepaid, Merchandise and Construction Inventory (GIK), Taxes) to be sent to NO (BS account specifically for project areas)

3. Make updates and reports on donors to the PC related to the absorption of funds and provide input, and coordinate with Finance NO for the application of funds (monitoring the project budget)

4. Update receipts and expenditure of merchandise, assets, and asset maintenance

5. Coordination with Finance NO related to auditor findings

6. Update statistics

7. Monitoring petty cash

8. Create acceptance vouchers (RV) and necessary correction journals.

9. Monitoring to the site if needed

10. Making cash flow or detailed budget per activity from project funds that have been received and will be implemented.

11. Update contracts for part timer staff in Batam.

12. Make monthly NO bank accounts and update to finance for transactions that have not been recorded.

13. Make donor reports according to the division of each finance and send them to the donor or PIC of the project and finance as well as coordination regarding transaction recording (if needed).

14. Review partnership transactions and communicate if there are complete documents and update financial reports.

Job Requirements:

1. Accounting Degree

2. Excel skills

3. SUN system

4. Excellent communication skills, including the ability to write and speak clearly and effectively, and to listen, and an unusual capacity to engage, inspire and persuade.

5. Domicile in NTT (Kupang)

Serious and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications with a cover letter briefly explaining how your experience is relevant to this position.

Female and person living with disabilities are encouraged to reply.

Job Features

Job Category

Finance Department

Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Finance Officer – NTT to secure fundings that will support the sustainability of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia’s projects. Key Responsibility: 1. R...

Project site NTT
Posted 1 bulan ago

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Community Organizer position, who conduct socialization of HFHI programs to target groups by building and maintaining good relations with partner families, community leaders and local governments and providing good services to achieve HFH's vision and mission.

Main Duties and Responsible:

1. Provide support related to community and local government.

2. Interlace communication with local government and the community and build capacity in the community to support the program implementation process, starting from planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring-evaluation, and sustainability of programs/projects in the community.

3. Collecting and reporting data on the potential and root causes of poverty in the regions that are their target area; make data entry/survey at a set location.

4. Establish relationships with local governments and other organizations to develop their target areas.

5. Advocacy to relevant stakeholders related to Habitat programs, especially in implementation in assisted communities.

6. Cooperate with the Construction Supervisor to be able to implement the program in accordance with the targets and needs of the community.

7. Reporting to the Project Coordinator on developments and related issues from the community.

8. Assist in designing program concepts that allow Habitat to implement in the target area.

9. Provide training to the community related to the environment, health and several matters related to the Habitat program.

10. Liaison with the Communication Team for documenting project learning materials such as stories of change and others documentation of beneficiaries.


1. University degree of social development, or other related fields.

2. Preferably have 2 years of development exposure; field program experience will be an added value

3. Minimum one year exposure towards low-income group community works

4. Should have understood community development

5. Basic understanding of operation management and report writing

6. Good written and oral English communication skills

7. Good verbal, written and internet communication

8. Demonstrate sufficient comprehension of given Standard Operating Procedures

9. Ability to operate computer spreadsheet (windows, excel, power point, etc.)

10. Preferably domicile NTT (Kupang)

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability, all recruitment practices and procedures reflect Habitat for Humanity commitment to protection of children and vulnerable adult from abuse.

Job Features

Job Category

Operation Dept

Habitat Indonesia is currently looking for Community Organizer position, who conduct socialization of HFHI programs to target groups by building and maintaining good relations with partner families, c...

Project site NTT
Posted 1 bulan ago

Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Procurement Officer is responsible to support Construction Department with the construction material based on the request either quantity, quality and specification. His/her will also ensure the material quality from the supplier/vendor according to the requested specification and supervise Logistic officer and/or warehouseman that maintain the purchased material and store it in the warehouse if any.

Job Description:

a. Identifying and accreditation of potential vendors

b. Collects quotes and bids as necessary

c. Purchase goods and services as required by the project

d. Checks on quality of procured goods and services (including compliance to the specifications listed)

e. Liaise with Habitat vendors

f. Gathers and checks procurement documents prior to submission to Finance

g. Monitoring material delivery from the supplier

h. Maintain safekeeping of materials, equipment and tools

Job Requirements

1. Minimum Diploma degree (preferable in civil engineering)

2. Minimum has 1 years of experience in Procurement and Logistics work in Construction Field.

3. Able to operate computer Microsoft Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint.

4. Experience working in the humanitarian sector is preferred.

5. Have a license driver (SIM A)

6. Domicile in NTT (Kupang)

Job Features

Job Category

Finance Department

Habitat Indonesia is seeking the expertise of a Procurement Officer is responsible to support Construction Department with the construction material based on the request either quantity, quality and s...

Project site Sentul
Posted 1 bulan ago

Main Duty and Responsibilities:

1. Work with Project Coordinator to develop build plans that meets the needs of the homeowner, fit within budgeted resources, and meet environmental standards.

2. Collaborate with the Community Organizer to evaluate condition of beneficiaries’ houses.

3. Ensure and monitoring building materials to the required standards

4. Supervise construction workers and monitoring activities to ensure timely and accurate project completion

5. Provide basic construction training for community and construction workers

6. Socialization to community according the decent and safe house

7. Supervise all on-site construction volunteers and other workers with strong emphasis on safety and respect

8. Provide hands-on building support and expertise

9. Make project report progress

10. Design and calculating Budget plan for construction houses

11. Provide construction design (technical drawing, construction specification, bill of quantity, time schedule)


1. Bachelor’s degree from Civil Engineering or Architecture

2. At least 1-year related experience or fresh graduated are welcome

3. Team player

4. Good communication and reporting skills

5. Having knowledge in AutoCAD, Sketchup program at intermediate level

6. Basic oral and written in English

7. Strong servanthood and good human relations at all levels

8. High level of integrity and honesty

9. Experience in NGO is an asset

10. Preferably domicile in Kab. Bogor

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia encourage qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability, all recruitment practices and procedures reflect Habitat for Humanity commitment to protection of children and vulnerable adult from abuse.

Job Features

Job Category

Operation Dept

Main Duty and Responsibilities: 1. Work with Project Coordinator to develop build plans that meets the needs of the homeowner, fit within budgeted resources, and meet environmental standards. 2. Colla...

National Office
Posted 2 bulan ago

About Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is a prominent nonprofit dedicated to improving housing for low-income families. Since 1997, the organization has built over 38,945 homes and supported more than 204,000 families. Aligned with the government’s “100-0-100” program to reduce slum areas and inadequate housing, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia works with individuals, groups, and businesses to promote safe, affordable housing. As part of a global network operating in over 70 countries, Habitat for Humanity Indonesia continues to drive positive change, empowering families to achieve stability and self-reliance.

Job Summary

The National Director (ND) will lead the Habitat for Humanity (HFH) Indonesia national organization (N.O.) in fulfilling its critical, complex role as housing expert, convener, and lead implementer of innovative housing solutions. The ND is accountable to lead, direct, develop and manage HFHI resources ensuring quality, effectiveness and accountability in line with Habitat for Humanity International’s (HFHI) policies, protocols and standards. This role is also responsible for developing the capacity of the N.O. to fulfill the purposes of Habitat for Humanity in Indonesia. The position enables sound organizational growth through effective strategic and operational development, with an emphasis on collaboration, innovation and quality programming in alignment with HFHIs strategic goals. The National Director must be a compelling, transformative leader with 10+ years of NGO or development sector leadership experience encompassing the following:

  • Orchestrating wide-spread public and donor engagement and support of the organization’s mission and strategy through a clearly articulated value proposition.
  • Building a highly competent, technical leadership team and empowering, agile organizational culture capable of developing and implementing organizational strategy.
  • Leading a wide range of diverse internal and external stakeholders through complex organizational change.
  • Building and leading multi-sector coalitions and strategic partnerships to successfully scale solutions and advocacy impact and expand funding support.
  • Securing institutional funding to support evidence-based, innovative, scalable solutions.
  • Navigating the complexity of matrixed NGO structures, demonstrating collaboration with and accountability to local communities as well as local and international governance structures.
  • Overseeing operational excellence of a direct service organization, including safeguarding, financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and other quality controls.

This position is accountable to the National Board of Trustees and HFHIs Area Vice President in carrying out the strategy, plans and program of HFH in Indonesia which are developed collaboratively with HFHI Area Office and approved by the Board as translation of HFH vision and mission.


Strategic & Visionary Leadership

Cast a clear and transformative vision of the future of housing to build public and donor support; Shape the future direction and success of the organization by aligning the organization’s vision, mission, goals, and resources with a well-defined ambitious strategy; Lead organization in developing strategic positions on national housing deficits and intersecting issues (e.g., urban development, climate change) to inform strategy development; Leverage a clearly articulated value-proposition to drive public and institutional donor engagement and support of housing deficits and proposed solutions.

Fundraising and Resource Mobilization

Secure institutional funding to support evidence-based, innovative, systemic housing solutions; Solicit major gifts, cultivate donor relationships, and identify and secure funding sources, grants, and donations to support HFHI’s initiatives aligned to HFHIs vision and mission; Acquiring and allocating both financial and non-financial resources necessary to achieve the organization’s goals.

Program Management

Oversee the implementation and growth of innovative, evidence-based programming; Lead a structured approach to managing multiple interrelated projects and initiatives within the organization to achieve a set of strategic goals or objectives; Guarantee community empowerment and accountability in all programming through the implementation of the country strategy, Theory of Change and refined M&E in all programming; Guarantee a responsive and agile approach to all programming.

Board Relations

Collaborate with the board of directors, seeking their involvement in shaping the organization’s strategic direction and key decisions; Ensure transparency in communications, decision-making processes, and financial reporting to enable board members to make informed decisions and fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.

Stakeholder Engagement

Leverage Habitat’s global influence and coordinate with HFH Asia Pacific Area Office and other regional National Organizations to grow key partnerships and strengthen advocacy efforts; Strengthen relationship and coordination efforts with national and local governments, NGO leaders, and other key development sector organizations; Cultivate and drive strategic, multi-sector coalitions for shelter innovation to advance and scale housing solutions.

Governance, Accountability, Ethics, and Operational Excellence

Oversee the installation of and adherence to high-quality safeguarding, financial management, monitoring and evaluation, and other quality control measures; Ensure the organization’s ethical standards adhere to HFHl, international development, and national ordinance requirements; Champion an organizational culture of safety, inclusivity, and accountability; Ensure quality control measures, ethics, and related measures and practices function are integrated into staff training and talent management processes; Leverage previous experience with NGOs and matrixed governance structures to strengthen alignment and collaboration between NO board of directors and the global Habitat organization; Lead coalitions and implementing partners in establishing shared ethical and quality control standards to actively minimize the risk of harm to Habitat constituents and partners.

Advocacy and Public Relations

Actively support, promote, and champion HFHI’s cause; Work to bring about change, raise awareness, and influence decision-makers at various levels, such as government, corporate, or community leaders; Utilize a broad set of communication strategies and activities aimed at managing and shaping HFHI’s image, reputation, and relationships with various stakeholders, including the public, customers, investors, employees, and the media; Engage in public speaking, media engagement, and public relations efforts.

Team Leadership

Build a top-tier, people-centric leadership team that is highly competent and supportive; Guide and direct the leadership team toward common goals and objectives; Lead, coach, motivate, and manage the team to achieve specific tasks, projects, or organizational objectives; Create a collaborative and

Compliance and Reporting

Ensure the organization complies with all legal and regulatory requirements and provides accurate reporting to stakeholders; Communicate relevant information, data, and findings to internal and external stakeholders; Present information in a clear, accurate, and transparent manner.

Organizational Culture

Shape and promote a resilient organizational culture through shared values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and norms; Influence how employees interact, make decisions, and perceive the organization’s mission and vision; Ensure that the organizational culture is inclusive and safe, finding strength in diversity of culture, background, and talent and respecting all employees equally.

Safeguarding Responsibilities

  • Ensure the N.O.’s compliance with HFH Safeguarding Policy, Ethics Covenant, Code of Conduct and provide an enabling culture and environment to support compliance and learning.
  • Respect and safeguard the rights and dignities of all people, and protect our staff members, volunteers, partners, beneficiaries, research participants, and community members (especially vulnerable adults and children) from bullying, sexual exploitation & abuse and sexual harassment.

Candidate Profile

Willingness to lead and affirm the Christian mission and principles of Habitat for Humanity International.

Minimum Requirements

University degree in a relevant field, such as international development or relations, public administration, management, civil engineering, and/or social sciences.

Years of Related Experience

  • 10+ years of NGO or development sector leadership experience; 5+ years successful international experience, preferably in the non-profit sector.
  • Programming experience in systems change and experience of working with governments/markets to transform and strengthen systems.
  • Experience in developing proposals and successfully executing projects with funding from institutional donors.
  • Experience in the development and nurturing of strategic partnerships in both a peer and lead agency role.
  • Experience developing and implementing projects funded by complex donors and of working and negotiating with large institutional donors; e.g. USAID, EU, etc.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

  • Ethical Leadership – Having strength of character and showing zero tolerance for unscrupulous and unethical behavior. Influencing others to follow a set moral code and encouraging them to stand against corrupt and unjust work practices.
  • Strategic Mindset – Proactively identifying strategic opportunities, developing strategic and operational plans, setting long-term goals, and mitigating risks in line with the organizational vision, objectives, purpose, and guiding principles.
  • Articulating the Vision – Promoting and communicating an inspiring, positive, convincing, and compelling picture of the organization’s vision that motivates others to action.
  • Global Mindset & Inclusivity – Supporting and driving the fair treatment of organizational members, partners, and constituents by promoting diversity, and fostering a climate of equality and inclusion.
  • Driving Results & Success – Setting, and driving others towards the achievement challenging, quality-driven performance goals by removing barriers, channeling resources, managing team dynamics, and monitoring endeavors to deliver desired end-results in the face of complex work demands.
  • Advocacy – Representing Habitat and its interests at regional/continental events, conferences, and coalitions for the purpose of continental networking, positioning, and partnership building. This also includes ensuring the compliance and quality of national advocacy programs and sustaining advocacy partnerships at regional level.

Preferred Requirements (in addition to minimum)

  • Master’s Degree
  • In depth knowledge of Housing Market Systems
  • Familiarity with construction and appropriate technology
  • Proficiency in the primary working language(s) of the country of posting
  • Active support of HFHI Values:
    • Humility – We are part of something bigger than ourselves
    • Courage – We do what’s right, even when it is difficult or unpopular
    • Accountability – We take personal responsibility for Habitat’s mission

Ethics and Safeguarding

We require that all staff take seriously their ethical responsibilities to safeguarding our intended beneficiaries, their communities (especially children), and all those with whom we work. In line with the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, all staff must pass a thorough background screening and will be held accountable to upholding our policies around ethical behavior, including safeguarding and whistleblowing.

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply using this link :

Job Features

Job Category

ND Department

About Habitat for Humanity Indonesia Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is a prominent nonprofit dedicated to improving housing for low-income families. Since 1997, the organization has built over 38,945 ...

National Office
Posted 4 bulan ago

Job Description

  1. Prepare donor reports as per client/donor requirements.
  2. Review payment for certain donors.
  3. Assist to prepare donor budget lines.
  4. Assist to provide financial report with some analysis and recommendation to be used for project/management decision making.
  5. Assist to ensure timely recording of financial transactions based on the correct budget charging and account codes.
  6. Assist to review bank reconciliations for accuracy.
  7. Other duties consistent with the overall focus of HFHI as assigned by the supervisor.

Job Requirements

  1. Bachelor's degree in accounting, Financial Management, or qualification from a recognized professional accounting.
  2. Requires a minimum of 2 years accounting experience.
  3. Knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, a practical knowledge of financial systems and internal financial controls.
  4. Good knowledge of SUN system, Vision, Excel, and Word.
  5. Good understanding of Habitat standards.
  6. Good English communication skills (oral and written).

Safeguarding: HFHI requires that all employees take seriously their ethical responsibilities to safeguard our intended beneficiaries, their communities, and all those with whom we work. Managers at all levels have responsibilities to support and develop systems that create and maintain an environment that prevents harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse, safeguards the rights of beneficiaries and community members (especially children), and promotes the implementation of Habitat for Humanity’s code of conduct.

Serious and interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications with a cover letter briefly explaining how your experience is relevant to this position.

Closing date for the application is 20 September 2024 (Only short-listed candidates will be notified).

Job Features

Job Category

Finance Department

Job Description Job Requirements Safeguarding: HFHI requires that all employees take seriously their ethical responsibilities to safeguard our intended beneficiaries, their communities, and all those ...